Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 39, 2 Nowemapa 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

In responsQ to Emmelotb's artcles m tbe Star in regard to vot~ | ing, WE. Ro«rell telis tbe pablic what iie doesn’t know abont tbe sabjdct. _____ Dr. Hyde is to have an nssistan\J As nobody bas erer kuown wUnt tbe reverend ‘ Doctor’' doos f Sc a lmng, tbe object of an assistant will be evea more puzzling. _ Nest Moudjy tlie anuual nieeting of the Planters’ Labor aud Sapply Company will be oponed. The uow sngar tr«st will then got its deadly work in. I » Geo. N. Wilcox, tbe pbilantropbist aud statesman bas caused a building to be erected at Kalawao for tbo benefit of tbe Y. M. C. A. The new eilifica will be dedicatod on the 2oth of December. — The Rev. H. W. Peek is orgau- i izing a Metbodist Clmrcb here under special instructions from his bretbrea in California and nuder the immediuto patrouage of the Waterhouse family. Mrs. Tbirds will tell tbe Theo8ophists all about “The Theosophieal Movoment” this evening. Tbe lecture whieh promises to be blghly iuteresting will begin at 8 o’eloek. Accordiug to the Advertiser two Americ«n gentlemen left for Kona tbis Morning to inspect coffee land and go into the business on nn “extensive’ scale. So far nono of the numerous prospectors mentioned in the Advertiser havo done more than“inspecting.”