Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 39, 2 November 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]
I -Tbe Aojrtr,.lia tomorro». Jfo siRii oC the Miov«ra. The Malolaui left this moraiog. Gef seato for *The UeoneUa” qoick. The band will pUy at the Hoiel to-night Tbe Giliig party may riait Honololu in the spring. ————— Black Flag shonld crowd the Opera House to ita capacitj. Tbe Aastralia will bring a Urge ; coosigoment of Xmas gooda. The Friend for Xovember is oot, and contaios tbe asaal stutf. Colonel Goorge Macfarlane will return io tho Aastralia tomorrow. Yesterday was “All Saints’ Day.” To dar is “All Honl’a Day.” J Mr. C. Jadd and the Noian family are booked to leave in the Aastralia. Mr. IIallett’8 Lazaros, was an enjoyablecbaracteraod bundreds will appreciate it tomorrow nigbt. ' — Light showers darlng tbe nigbt , . aod day belped to parify the air . of the town. I Tbe Suprorae Conrt bas overi ruled the exceptions in the FosterHayward suitAs a matter of form AttorneyGeneral Smitb domars to all the damage suiis brougbt ngainst the government. It is rumored tbat tbe proposed scheme to buy ont Bisbop's bank bas fuiled. Editor Vivas of the Sentinella left for Huwaii this morning. His paper will be in cbarge of P. A. Dias dunng bis absence. Tbe cottony onahion scale has appeared at Kahuku and Mr. Marsden is making energotic efforts to combat the dangerous pest. Tbere was a collision between a haek and a bnss iast nigbt on tbe Waikiki Road. No serious damage wns done. Mr. Kowell is reparing tbe Scbool Street Bridge. It was generally believed that he wonld wait until.it tumbled down. It is ilmored tbat, tbe Star will cease|to exist according to a resoluticn pnssed at the meeting of stockholders beld Iast night. There will be a batallion dnll to-nigbt, McLeod of ! the Metropolitan Moat Company’s bntcber |>hop will be in eommaud. I Hon. a’uul Neumann and wifo will cel«>rate tbeirsilver weddiog in tbo w)eginning of next year. when aīLuaih gatberiog will take pUoe. I Mr.fr. R.,Walker paid bis respectJto tbe Qaeen at Washingtou Iw»ce «fter bis retarn from Eugh*d to tbe great «nnoyance ofth <āSta*. X)J 6charf mnsic and book ston#wili puhliah several of LiborJio’s compositioQS. Tbe enteriise wili be bigbly appreciatQiWby «11 royalists. mlr. and ilr». Fajii will receive & /ihe J«panese Legation to mor#w aftemoon from 2 to 4 o’eloek. mo special inr)Utions will be is#sued. _______ I Agent Green is bo*y killiog * mangy dogs and bobt*il borses. Why doesc t be kUl a few man- > gy mi*siocarie«? Tbe Cncoit Coart wiil open on Monday next There are 180 * casee on the eai«ndar. and ikera ► u \ery liiile sbow of getting th« * bosinēs8 fiaiabed. Jodge Cooper « wili pr«nde. and >4 w bopad tbat ! hia aeaniea to the ia«y«n’ O '<demned looiiah Ulk” «iU hnriy matton along-