Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 39, 2 November 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Baw«ltaa Curlage MA«UfAGTU«mG C0 ■ i§5sr The R.epairing of HRAKES, □ElivEiy Wagūns, anei CarriagES, is attendsd to by SkHlsd Mbc1ihiiics ; w pricssf or the same hava been RECUCEr t tbe San Francisco basis. 70 Queen Street* oc4 AVe are OfFeriii2T this "Week, r ■ 5 ■ = i Wool Dress Groods, In plaids and stripped, At 85cts per yard. And a line of plain CASHEMERE’S in all Shado>, a 50Cts per yard. M. S. LEVY. oct23-tf Benson, Smith & Go., Gorner DRUG STORE ) Pure Dru?s, Fine Perfumes, Promut A.ttention, Low Price Oomel Fort & Hotel|Sts.; aul
u In tb« uat U wtll Empire Sal< JAME8 0LD3, Pkopbietob: pine Wiztcs, Idquore. Bger* V ALWAH ON HAND, Cooar Naiu&a tad HoialJ3tneta 1 Po«t OSe« Box ' IUH BOEDlE8 yee chajst, MAL*E la Fn*ijlmg na*1tu]Miat &» Mmii 11
E. I. NAIUIHA Commi&rioner of PriT»te \Vijr-i &cJ W«ter Bighta, Districto( Honolalu. AGE.VT.to GRAVTMARR1.V.E LICEV3E3L Oma, 308 lferchaut Street oct 15 POUND MASTER’S NOTICE. Votice ia berebf given to a!l person i iiat tbere are »t tbe Goverumcnc PoaoU at Makl ki on Oct. 23. l&M. 1 «bite marv, «hkh I i not branJei * - - NOTARY PUBLIC wk W. KAAPA. PounJ Ma,.tcrCH1NE MADE iY, : : KALlHI. i, Fresh Topa ttod to »t all Mulual Telephone 577. W. L. WILCOX, Manager-