Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 39, 2 November 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Nothing New ūnder The 8un»1w •ia;i«at«r K iml Ft*t »n»j«d Their *T«bai tnm n Hoe, Jahc C2ūbmm asd «u4r “Tbe *rt !iu t«n miBr Mr ance»tcr« a-r»*rwJ Ihem «o ''«« aO.OOī» TMn ago." Trt mino> boab. io pnmal 4ark. Jotn *pr»wj fei» wrav] and makm bu urit. When W«tt ba4 v«4ded *:eel to *»evm Aad made ihe bobbii» #ia«, Joba Chiwmi»n remarfced: “I «leem TtuU trirk u Meienl tbioc: Tbe FloverT Laad bad im * »bov Some 30.000 mn aeo. And Trt tbe vbalc Cele*ti»l N»od Sti!l >pia. a» Hagar did. btr haial 'Vbrv Strpbenaoo add Fnlton tīrd Tbe pi»too lo a vbeeL And rouod tbe eanh bade Cotmneree ride i WiUi vīag» npon it* heel, John «ald: “Mt people trareled *o Some 30.000 r«n afO.’’ 5 Tet «1111. aa wben tbe race befan. Thev alv»t* tote tbe old >edao WberCTionfbt firat learned tbe vay to Ut On Mone’i telefjaph. Jobn »hook hi* pirt*il in replr. Obserrinf vith a uofb: •Tbi» Cbing to Cbtna made ko-tov S<>me 30.00)1 yean aeo; Bnt talkee—ūlkee «ul abotrt— ( II vii a bore; ve drore ii out.” When Edi*on from n»ture »tole. Her *ecret*. one by one, To Matter gare a ioneue and aoul. To Nigbt a l>lazins $nn, John »aid; “Onr fatber» u«cd to knov, Some 20,000 year» ago. Tbe*e mirac!es. bnt. n»ele£« quite, We let tbem vanisb ont of *ight." When Knipp’» big eannon sent a »bell Through miles a half a *core, Johu *aid: "īhiU’» tolerably vell For modero rifle bore, But ve made povder, donT you know. 5ome 20,000 ycar» ago!” Tet cro*»-bow» ehiua »triugs onee more To crusb Japan in i>4. When Queen CUicagj rose and »pent Her miliion»—royaI »igbti To »how the vor’ld tbe continent Columbu« brougbt to Iigbt, John »aid; “When we were out to row Some 30.000 yean ago, We ran again»t Fu S»ang one day; •Xo good' we (ound, a:id »kipped away.” Say, John! O. elaimanl, almond-eyed! There’» one thing older far Th«n Faustu»' type aud Mor*e'a pride And KuUou'» magic ear, Than Taj Mahal and Cbtna's wall— Yea, older, o!der £«r than «11; Thcy name this canting, sbamming. »ly And boarv-beatled thing—A Lie. — Truth.
C1TY DRAYAGE C0, Stand: Queoa and Fort Streets, White and BIack Sand. Draying Done at Reasonable Rates. W. F. SILVRRETT, Ma»ag*r. Jy25 Wanted. TWO Unfarnished Hoii3es of 6 to 8 ROOMS eaeh. Enquire of __ 103 Fort Street, ooIO GONSOLIDATED SODA WATER CO. (Limittkd.) E8PLAN ADĒ: Cor. Allen indForitu. : : Honoluln II0LMSTER & CO„ AienU, Ploneer Shirt Factory £STABLISHED 1887. A. M. MELLI8, Proprietor, 518 Fort St., Honolulu, (Up8t*irs) 6ood Flt The White Houae! 118 Nuuanu Avenue, HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS- \ ,poase IN EVERY BESPECT. Roois trom $1-50 to $3.00 per Teet or 50c, per DayPAUL LEMKE, PROPKIETOR. Bell TeIenhone 132. aD£ 22 PANĪHEON SALOON, FORT AND BOTKL ST8. HBal|iarters EaterpriB Bmte( Co. — -m Largp«t Consigmnent of Beer that ever arrived here, now on Draoght 3. DODD, Piop'r R£AL ESTATE AGEXCY. Hoosee to rett aad foor eale. Benta collected, conrey«noing in all its branehes attended lo with promptneee and d«6patch. HOKOULU Bux£ffTATK AOKHCI. 108 Fo*t 84.