Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 39, 2 November 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
A]inei<al Water. An invoice of tbe Celebratcd 5II A S T A i W A T K R jn«t reeeiTed direct from the Springe in Sh**ta, C*Uforni» “SHASTA” ls the finest Minerml W*ter in j the world It U nsed in eTerv le»ding hotel ; and on «11 tbe nnlwa; dining e»rs iu tbe Unlted St»te». “SHASTA” U *he Qneen «fall t»ble waters; ; blends perfectlj with bqnor of all kinds. »nd i U a natural reFtef for «11 di#orders of tbe «tomach, kidney« »nd liver. For eale br «1! DRUGGISTS »nd the TRADE GEXERALLY. Macfariane & Co. Ltd., Sole Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. FOR SALE. S.000 SISAL PLAXTS from the B»b»m»s Isl»nds h»TC been lraported and ean bo had in quantities to snit by »pplying »t the B eoni'» Omei. Tbose interested in ne*. indnstrio» sbouM not loee this opportunitr. oct 15 tf. — THE COMMtRCIAL I SALOON I \Harry Klemue, Manager Gor. Naoanu & 6eretania sta. Hoeoialn, H. L I Xhe Ooly Sporting Hooae in Town, O. 1?. 8. a Specialiiv; L0HKK6EIN LAGKR BEKR Ahnji oa Draoghi. S GLASSK8 YO& 25 CEKTS. of Wineā, Ltquors, a*d Cigars, ALWAT8 08 HAND,