Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 39, 2 November 1894 — Band Concert. [ARTICLE]
Band Concert.
The baod under tbe direction of Prof. Berger, will play at the Hotel tonight. Complimeutary to tho Mikado, \vhose birthday it is tomorrow, several Japanese tunes will be played. The following is the prcgramme; Part i. 1. March—‘*Belle of New York” Clark 2. Orerture—“Fra Diava!o” Auber 3. Ballad—“The Lo.st Chord** Sullivan 4. Seleetion—“111 Trovatore” Verdi PART II. 5. Selection—“The Mikado” Snllivan 9. Japanese Wnaie —Kigensetn, Mashige, Sakura, Ueine Matsu, Imayo, Kimi Ga Yo , 7. Walfz—“Jo!ly Fellows” Vollstedt “Uawaii Ponoi.”