Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 38, 1 November 1894 — American (League) Gratitude. [ARTICLE]

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American (League) Gratitude.

AIr. J. AlfreJ Migjoa has been one of the st iunchest supporters of the cause whieh resulted in the establish nent of the Republic of Hawaii. ile has foarle3sly esthe cause and has made a raark for himse!f in the history of the robellion. Wo diifer from him iu opinion and wo have frequently nsed the strongcst strictures ag»inst h's actions and atti - tude, but nve must adrait that the treatment to whieh he has beeu subjected from tha h »nds of the Amenean Leagae lills even us ! with indignation and disgust for a political body so devoid of grat;tude as Murray’s gang has proven itself to be. While Mr. Magoon as a whole I concur with the Leaguo of whieh lhe has beou a raost valuable : member he ditfers from it as far as annex»tion of these islands to the U. S. is concerned. We | should imagine that he wou!d be | ehtitled to his private opiniou but uo; Murray drives him forth from tho sacrcd precincts of tho League. And the other members lift their voices and yeil “stone him. stone him, he is not one of ns.” Mr. Magoon evidently places Iittle importinc? on his memberahip in tbe Lea g u e and he refased positively to retract one ineh from tho position adopted by him. He was bonnced by his *‘gratefur' co-workers in the canse of the repnblic and he is now entitled to the hearty eongratnlations of the whole eommnnity.