Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 38, 1 Nowemapa 1894 — The Czar. [ARTICLE]
The Czar.
Tbe asaal sen».-itional reports are beīng circalated iu regard to the cuases of tbe illnes8 of the j Czar of Bassia. It hss been in- ; ainnat>*d that he bas heeopoiaon* . ed by the Nihiiists and nnm-roūs | otber reasons bave been assigned for tbe disease whieh nndoabted- [ ly will prove fatal, ! There is eert«inly very little , sense in trying to find onnaturaI reasons for the malady to whieh tbe autocrat of Bussia mnst succomb. well up in the fif- ' ties and bis race is in spite oftbe magnificent physique characteristic of it, not iong Iived. II we remember tbe strain on tbe mao’s menial and pbysical powers since the day when the shati tered remu «nts of his fatber were | brougbt t"> hii palaee it is not d:fticult to uaderstand tbat even the gigantic frarae of tha emperor must give way at a couiparatively eariy age. His life has been a Lell since thut memorable day. Only in the secluded forest iof Fredensborg or when carpi fisLiug in Esrom lake did the I great man feel at rest and peaee and safety sarroanded him. No living maneouU havo stood the strain to whieh tbo great ruler of Russia bas beeu submitted witbont going to his grave or an insano usylum. The Czarowitch, who will plaee the Russian crowu on his ! young brow lacks the physiqae . whieh distinguisheshis father and his unele Sergius. He takes after his mother tbe intelligent 1 aud beautiful Dagmar and possosses the persistent energy and 4ronderful sbrewdness of bis graudmotber Queen Louise of j Denmark, tbe cleverest diplomat of the century.‘ More liberal } ideas will bold sway in Russia but we predict tbat tbe vast erapire will bo ruled as firraly aud wisely under tbe young man who mav] heeomo a constitutional i monarchy, than it hasbeen under •i * tbe iron haud of the dying autocrat. j