Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 38, 1 November 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
JfDTOCJk AKC TOT ‘ lUl »»'« »ml, tl(«1 tWr»«j ’ U'» • !.>ak yoa »*b' HIKE?KOOĪEEKK pon&«* 'S< bk>od. thrU«s !h* WIUT9THK DIFFEKKSC* * Tob <lriek HIRE$ROOTBEER for p>*jar« aml • looie Toa Ukr il a»> lonk »nJ grt pkm*BPr. HIRES «. HtUES’ IMPROM3> U* R00T BEEI «iuQUOWfl04.»»cwstyH«C Xm**SXKt HMO3 r TĪ CA.i>«S ftOOT n. mom» W»TU»0 aad MOUMO nnmuni duxk t* u* «wti i»t rr. &aa j«u lUn*** *» Omm» «*■ C. E. H1RES. PHILAOELPMU t*«ppOee Jt »»rm It u By «a«le i H1H£*8 C'oU »i (Uaeni, ThkU uki *u*M k far pU«(Tti Ta <Ua>l »i !&* t>rtal lu OkUP' Morning, Noon. - Good »11 the tlmr. It itw Ungaor oi ra >roln* *a»Ui;v» tb* <o* lalla tlk w.’annm of nUbt-HlRES R<*»TBKEK -J< >ioa<. »f«rhUtic. app* < • luiury. )Jvkx1 a» ■ t<\juv lt U b*yond all diapate » arouderfol heai'h <i> i«** <lnn*,. »nd >« < Tery rm< to uuder«t»od whr H»U U »o. Th<- roo!. herb«, h»rk* »od berri«<». frv<m whioh 1 BEEK » «KOimiU m»dt-. uv thc klealkml thinc* wh«-b phyatciM>» i«t th< ful re««dU» lor in»«»ncc; IV» y»»« helweee th»t »»r»ap*rt..a i* a »». i»i -* HIKES ROt>TBEERcont»in* ».»»« s»r*»{wM;:»lh»< rav . * '>■»* to otb«r in*T«dt«nU. It U doinc naoir lo »dv-uicc pr*,-tic»l «cmporancc than raant i* -pie rw and rccomni«nd«d b» tb« mo«t c»a«t«n'< »nd ?onwrr»tttc tcmrvra«, e «empul"'»' »b*taincr f»n «njor »IIRIU> H( *tTBKKK hUn-eU, »rd nt> <ram i »n «f rer»ble »nd bc»ltltful »ul*«titnt« for tb« *lr"tar dnnk * bh« p’, lb<' f»t It t» * hon«made »nd homemakine ber<racr lt U rrry raailr pUin dtrcction» »r« foilowed, lt will »lwar» bc i-hk! E»crr in«*n <cr ol -- — h»br to tb« jr»ndfatb«r, r»n Cnjoy IIIKK> R«**TBFKR. »ttd «r«r» oo-- >< !h better b«*lth for «wrh «wallow ihcy uke. It improrc thc »rrcttt*. P«t»;;» 1 U ton«« tbe whole *rst«m Cblidrrn «*f>cct»lly dc!brbt in HlW& BOuTBE».R. tlon lntcr«»t» then». *nd it» u-« d n-* th«m In thou.an N ol bo m «*. BEKK th»t motbcr mad--.” wlll h« amon; thc ha’,'i' «»t r« »1U uo»< ot ehil .i BEWARR : Do nol confound lt wilh otbcr Koothi- r pr»i>»r»(i"n*. »> Uko »nvthin2 clse ol the klml. Bcw»rv of extr»cU »dr«rtU«d f»r m»kln< R»o( *rc compo*ed cblt'flr of colorintf malter »ttd oiU to eirc lbrm tl»ror. whkh r* and c»nae nauae». Hirce lmpror<d Rootbcer pw.-kii.'e» m»k<-» reallr «he ui'V<! h»rtn. »■> <tfo drink*. Tct nouri»hiwc »nd »trcn<thcnlnj th« hUnnl It eUwn.e» th- « «:■ n> <> bumor» !bat dcveiop in kklt««T*nJ arinary di- »»«*. *od in f» , iu »nr »> »n !mparc at»te of tbe btood. Hire» Improv«d Rootbecr U offercd to the pnhU wllh lull eonil.len " •« eonUin» no pol»onou« or lnjuriou» pr»pcrtt«t< wh»lerer. »u<l »a wlan» ro»y <»» fcct »*fety.
HOLLlSTER & CO. Importer3. Wiioleaale ;invl Kotiil l)jalars in Cigrao:3, S200.olrin.gr Xo"bacoo, Smols:eis Agems for the Celebrated a. 13.1). PIPE8. NAiiE 1N PARlJ» *a£l PUK1F1ED WATER. No Miorobes. U C8ED BT THE OON**UD\rKO SODA WATER WORKS
COMPA\Y—LimlfceJ. tlx© Fo'antain3 TOa.xoxio'*iioxxtJ t3o.© ixcrrr:x« usfc Cx3rsta.ltr TBT IX. -d Cit3T, 7 aug