Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 38, 1 November 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
7hr iU'Unmia €alrnda SOV. !, 1SH. UVirLO I» FO«T. um v«mu. H P M S IfTMoA, iUy, E«qaiauult, « DUHi.«r» £> . I-k A:m*n». Bn,wn. \’S W ., W II I>imond. Nilaon. 8 P. r Aloh», !>»bel, San Fmnfim V oM K«Ik.»:. Iv*n«n.Crmy * //*i n K P. Acstr»Ii». Houdlette, 8 F. A- l-k o*kl«n<!. Seattl«. K<»RI U.51 VDPIEW EXPt<TM jvbr BoWrt I> »er»... 1 j»v»aji Id I J( s s City of P«*kinjr. i'okohmm». -A BktaePl*atar L»ysan Id....O< , »rh Aliee Cook... Pt TownsendO< \nii kt KIikit*t Pt Townsend.Oc K . lk EleinoPe Xewr*»*tle....!>< Pi Cedz*r P'ore«t. .Newcaetle 0< j.,rk KonuuWk.. Liverpool 0< An> »rbr Fv. E«rek»........Ot H»» Kk Manna Ala. Newca*tle.. J*o Am - hr P«ritan....New«-aetle.. No N< r«hip C«lanivor.. Newca*tle. Nc Ger bk Paol I«enberg. Bremen D< sj,,j H F (llade Urerpool da KOKIII'* 7IAIL KERV1CE. Kleamehi}* will leave for and ai ir>ni San Francieco and other fo on or »bont the following d; till the eloee of 1894. Leav« Hokoum Dck *t Hoko rnK San Frasd»00. Fm. 8as Frax oa Vaxcocvi«. ob V r AXCocvi Pekina. An»trali*... Alticieda.... Mioweni... An»tral<a... llaripoM... CVsanu' Aniwa Anstralia... klunowoi .. Hiow<*ra... Ohina The Panlheon Saloon is <lepot for the celebrated Er j)rĪ8cBoer, where it ean alway found eool and frcsh on taj». do not deal in ‘ Frederickel Becr” aa the morning Pap through aoaie mixtake has ad lisod. Call nt the Pantheon re-freshing drink. JIM DODD, Proprietor. Talk about braying asses. town is full of tbera. McBru; whiskey is only to be foun tho Empiro Saloon. And \ it’s found it stnys. Kn. Reqna of theEmpire Sa has iuade a uew deal whieh loueh the hoarts, or at least j>alates of many u tbirsty wan er. Ho keeps ‘balf-and-h ou dranght and sorves a raosl licions and eool beverage, Huj»orior to “plain" boor. se 17 tf J. J. Williama the well-ke Artistic Photographor is ma a sj>ecialty of portraits on W Dials uiuī Silk Hundkerch Complete sets of Lantorn s! tho eal
Strictfy Firsi-Cldss BATHINGRESORT. g pp- SprcUl accoinajodatiouf f Lulits »ud Children. W. S. BAKTLETT. Proprietoi r.s. Twm-care pa*> the >» te 008 kamehameha » RIjS SCHOOL. Tl* tip»t ieria 'oi 8cbool *tU opeu Moi Apv>lio»tiofi« lor •4 to Uiw Pep* <Mthrr Mi&uni or Uiw rop». will ii«> Ki&der«mrt«a Hoom. Hmll. tmtnrd*y uon viU hc pl<sn*l 10 u ufty doiUnt ($50 *ppbou«i mvir«d uad«r l 0et. ii-ib otm am MM i-r tbe Hew»»•»2 li» No jt *x of»«*