Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 38, 1 November 1894 — LADIES' COLUMN. [ARTICLE]
I We bare » counter &muiged ihi* «eek deTote>.l to WH1TE CX>ITON DBESSQOOD6. ererr j pieoe of whīeh we expect to »©11 before the week w out Tber do not eome coder the bcad of Quick Sales and Sm»U Profit«. ther will be sou> at thet c06T cs, not one cent more or one cect les«. We wsr.t the rooms for more goods coming. we b»Te maae gtMt purchJtses for the fall and winter trade. So from time to time dilTerent linea of goods will be pushed just as these White j Cotton Dress Goods are at \C*v±t cwt i’hK E. And speakmg about Quick Sales and Small Profits,as a f*ir sample of the ditference it has made in piices generally we jast menlion LADIES BLACK STOCKINGS. Tbose that we have aiways sold for $3 per doaen, we are now selling for $*2.2ō per dozen, while those tbat were i formerly ?o per »lozen are now only $4 i>er dozen. The same ibing applies to MEN'S SOCKS. | Tbe $3 per dozen ones are now $2 23. We t>imply menliou these > few tbiags, becaase they show a fair proportion of the discount made tbronghout tbe entire stock I SC5TDo not forget to save your ' you raay be tbe one we seud to tbe Volcano. s«id s >me time ago tbat M«dame Pele would break out again, and «be has doue it. By tbe time you are ready to go, we expeot sfie wi'btalk of notbing else but Quick Sales and Sraall Fn fits at av« all your Sale Checks. You may be the lucky one. B. F. EHLERS & C0.