Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 38, 1 November 1894 — You Can't Afford To Miss It. [ARTICLE]

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You Can't Afford To Miss It.

In #eiecting and amcgmg the plars lo elose tie theatncal sea90H. Micagir Diiley rery »uely beld a number of pieeee that are far tbe ordinary in erery respect tb*t he migfat le*T® a good isnpres*ij»n. Among tbia namber ia the “Golden Giant.” a powerful comedy - drmma. with aelion laid in tbe wesh The • characte.s are ail strong ucting ' ones, and entire company ao opportnnitjfor eicellent work. \ The followinglis tbe cast Jack Maaon (niend to Fairfox » a gamblerl Mortimer Snow Alexander Fairfox (the Golden G>ant) Bicbard Scolt Dancan le MoToe(afa!se friend) Al. H. Hallet Bixby (an Idil of Gold Bau) .. .. J Lonis Belmoor Flvnn (a Mroer) Jean Weiner Max Wayne (a specter of the past) P. A. Nannary Jack Mason Fairfox (cbild of Alee and £tbel). a Cbild Bes.sie Fairfox (known as Bet sister of Alee) Miss Katie Dalgleish Etbel Wayne (tbe betrayed) .. f.. .Mias Genevieve Nannary Mrs/ Boggs (Proprietress of 'Hotei)..Miss Kittie Belmour Mrs. Vanderpool (a Society Lady)...Miss Mollie Stockmyer /Miners eto. Not a Failure Tbereare twoproiuineutcitizeus today who ean testify tbat marriage is uot a failure, all other assertions to tbe contrary. Jobn Nott celebrates tbe 39tb anniI versary of bis weddiug, and it is 21 years ygo siuce Seabom Luee took unto himself a mate for better and for \vorse. May their sbadows never grow less aud the nurabers of tbeir wedding anniversaries increuse! — _ i Tbe nnraber of theatrical wiseacres in town increases daily, and wbat tbey don’t know and havo notseen upon tbe st ige eau uo t be mentioned. Yestorday a party of tbese sprigs were conversing on this iopie when one exclaimod: “I didn’t go here, because I saw Booth play it in London.” Tbe dcad tr;!gedian must have turned ovor in bis grave.