Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 38, 1 Nowemapa 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]
No *ign «»( the Miovera. The Coanciis did not meet thia I afternooL. Tbe Board of Health did not meet yesterd«y. Tbere will be a halialiion drill on ihe T2th inst “Oolden Giant shoald attract a rery large boose. Depoty-Sheriffa Sheldon and Kauhi are in town. The St. Audrews’ Fair takes plaee on ihe 24th inst. There will be some interesting : races at Waialna at Xmas. Yon ean t afford to miss one of the remaining performances. Japane.se immigrants left the qaarantine station today. Mr. W. R. Castle is confined to his hoase throngh indisposition. The “Henrietta” opena the final week. Get toLeveys quick. Mr. L. J. Levey held a well-at-tended aaeiion sale this morning. Every memberof Dailey’s eompauy bas a &trong acting part tonight. The Star stockholders will meet tonight at tho Chamber of Commerce. Miss Low has charge of the ladies' and starap window in the Post Office. Mr. John Maguire left for his home at Kahu a in the \N aialeale this afternoun. There ongine is again stationed at Thomas Square pumping water to Punehhowl. There will be a social at the Y. M. C. A. to night, complimentary to the Hyacinth meu. Messrs Parker and Hatch will return tomorrow from their hunting excursion to Mauuawili. H. Laws is now the Supreme vice-Chancellor af the Knight of Pythias of the Hawaiian Islands. Seven weeks to Xmas. It is time to inspect tho great stock of Xmas goods at tho Goldeu Kule Bazaar. The receut attempt of torming a planjers trust is worthy of notice. I The sngar-harons need watching• There aro prospects that tue lauo leadiug to the Insane Asylum will bo made into a road in tho sweet inaho]*e. !no Fern has bronght suit t W. C. Aehi for $10,000 es. This is the last act of uous “pillow eaae.’ 1 employees of the governncluding soldiers and spies } ir ill-earned share o! the yers money yesterday. ile BerSer waa playiog ‘ In the Qloaming” at the matinee yesterday, ihe electric light went ’ 0 |t and left the moet thrilliug siene in tot«I darkness. I The new assortmeut oI fine furf.itnro at Ordway and Porter ia fworthy of inspection. Intending housekeepers will do well to eall there before going elsewhore. Tbere are some prospecta of a r»oe being arranged betwven Griffiths and Terrill, two ehampion wheelmeuuiow visiting Honolulu and some of onr loeal sports. Tbe so oalled repnblican clubs protest against work being given by the gorernment to anybody who is nok an A. U. P. roter. How about Ihe secret ballot, dear clobe? A naval oonri is being held by British C.'maiu»!ooer Hawea m rs Nanahan moUoy. SecreUry SariU and Mr. Paul Neomann aee watcbing the inUr«rta of Ihe Japaneee crew.