Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 37, 31 October 1894 — DO SOMETHING ! [ARTICLE]
It !.« amn»ing fo he ia ; tlie even' (• nr minnte«, »nd hf to!d hy w>.Df iu«lij:oant citixeo. tliat he w.*bēil ‘ we bml '»**•! yonr advice d v-*ted. it i" » im .il sitisfnctiou for os to be *ble to lie haek «nd »ay 'we tuld yoa »o «od we Lave tbe otoio»t »ymp«tby for tbe gentlemen, who witb onrselves aie locked oot for th« next three years | l\*e desire tbongb to eall aUention to the fact tbat we did not confioe onr good advices to voting only. W©toid wk or fūjht. The voting is ont of qnestion. The election business i» done away uitb, and it is no ose goashing yonr teoth. becaa»e yon didn t go to the ba!lots. Bnt how ahont tbe other prol*osition ? Has it heeu g ven u,. altogether and have «11 the braves gone to their !ait to wait to he«r froiu Widemann or something t-lse to tnrn ap? It wonld be well for the patriots to wait lflM and do something. 13at the tronble seeras to be that their predicament i» that tbey don’t know what to do. W e will therefore sleal one of Ambrose Bierce’s anecdotes, aud show wbat Panl Neumann does nn.ler similar circnmstances. "īhe ilIustrious rnariner, Paal Neumaa,’ says Ambrose, “ was or»e intrusted with the helm of a yacht and in stated in command while the skipper, Fulton Berry, went helow 10 read a chapter in the Bible. A sudden squall struck tbe vessel and she was on the poinl of capsizing. but Paul was ēqaal to the occasion. ‘Louk alive their !” he thundered to the crew. “All handsdo something.”