Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 37, 31 October 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
B. BERGERSEN Acvot \ot SING-EP. SEWING MAOHINE COMPY. I — All KīiuIh of Needles for Sale aml Repairiog I)one. l)amon’a Blook Bethel Street, Honolaln. P. O. Box 440. jy21 Long Branch -8ATW>NGc Establishment. T1ub FirsV-CUaB Bathing Regort has been en!arged and ie now open to Ihe puhlie, lt is the beet plaee on the iplamla to enjoy a Kulh. and lhere ia no better ulaee to !ay ofl. Special uccommodations for Li - dies. Tramcars paea the door every half hour, and on S;«turdays and Sundays every fiftecn minutes. C. J. SHERWOOD, jy24 Proprietor. lo\/eJoy &co. WtjolB0&le WiijB \ LiquoP ūealei^ 19 Nuuanu Street We would eall your atlention to Our Special Brands Longlife Pure Cream RYE WHISKEY. Frederick$burg Beer au2 in caske or buttlee % CITY CARR1AGE C0. Corner K1NG and BETHEL St. CAERIAGES, AT ALL HOURS. Aoth TeJephones No, 113. J. S, ANDRADE, Manager june 15-tf. VIHQ-s-F/T-s-CH —: fuRnnuRe Dem.ers. r% lo Xht pul>lic ih»S !bej b*T« op««e4 a Bncch Ston it No. 322, Nuaana St., Wbcre tber c*rn • eoaaakle Uae of BKDKOOM srr«, tUAIK&, TAB1.ES, wari>robes, mim, Be.. Eie., Ktc. r«nui«r« iUpeliwl m4 J«kU*| M HhmuIiI» K •(<-«. VING FAT CHAN, F*ftory, eomer of King wti BetM Streeta. a«pt fi-8ma