Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 37, 31 October 1894 — LADIES’ COLUMN. [ARTICLE]

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We bare a ccanUr arranged thi<» week d«Tot«d to WHIIE COTTON DllESSGOODS. eTery pieee o( whīeh w* oxpect to aell b«fore the week is oat Thev do not eome ocder the be*d of Qaick S*leō «nd Sm«U Profite. ther will be sold aT *hiv they eiw rs, not one cent toore or one cent less. We the rooms for moie goods coraing. we h«ve made grcat pnrchxses for the f«Il %nd winter trade. So fron> tūne to tune dlderent l<nes of goods will be pu>hedjostas these Wfcite Cotton Dress Goods aro at actcaL cost price. And speaking about Qaick Sales and Sinall Profits.as a tair saraple of the ditference it bas made in piices generally we jost mention LADIES BLACK STOCKINGS. Those that we bave always sold for $3 per dozen, we are now selling for $2.25 per dozen, while those tbat were formerly $5 per «lozen are now only $4 per dozen. The same tbing applies to MEN'S SOCKS. The $3 per dozeu ones are now $2.25. We »imp)v menliou the-ie * — few thiogs. becaose they show a fair j-ioportion of the discount made throoghont the eotire slock not forget to save yonr eheek?, yon may be the one we send to the Volcano. snid s* me tīrae ago that Madame Pele wouUl break out again, and sbe has done it. By the time you ready to go. we exj>ect she will talkof nothing else but Quick Sales and Small Pr fits at fWSnve hii your Sale Checks. You may ba the lucky one. B. F. EHLERS & C0.