Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 37, 31 October 1894 — CONGRATULATIONS. [ARTICLE]
THZ L L S» N. CO RECETVES A VAXUABLE ADDITION The Au Hou. Wben &leeping Henololn «as disturb«d tbis moming by a steamer whistle. the gener»l expression of th«se who woke up was "anolher |nterlsland steam®r And ia was ‘ Bot this time, it was nelone of Honololn s old (riends th|t sbrlekedoot a notice of arrival. lt was the *‘Ke An Hoo. ’ Tbis is tbe new boat bnilt by the enterpr:sing I. 1. S. N. Co. at Port Blak<land broogbt to port by Capt. Goufrey. Tbe 1 ittie stejiner arri\ed aboot 4 o’eloek this morning, only 9 days and 19 hours oot. She is not as big as the Iwalani, bat Eeveral sizes larger than the 'late' Bisbop. It is one of the handsomesf boats yet brougbt into | port tbe owuers are jastified 1 in foe!ing proud of the new addition to their fieet. The vtssel is mainly intendtd fot frc : gbt, but sbe ean boast of jJce accomodatii ns f»r tbe paaaengers. Two !arge st»t * roou.s and a line dimng room on d-ck show that the o> mpmy do - not deffire 1> ss“iig Ts t* cons der a journty in toe Ke AU Hou a of m:se ry. Kveryt'.iiug on b >ard the stea;ucr ’s »u a first cl»ss < rd*-r. She «as ! aded u;th freiglit, n>ost y coii8 : gn‘d to the I. 1. S* N. Co. Captain Ucdfrey, who sr.efdtd the b >»t down in such a sw ft time look d healthier ilian ever aml etated tbat the trip has re-juveaat-d hīm. Mr. John Ena calied carly this morning »nd figured how mueh d vidends he might be able to dec!are nfter the new boat gets travclliug. €aptain Ca;npbell lo >ked happy and will receive the little steamer »s a apeeia! pet. The community who h»s aeeeph d “the new era” is unanimot sin oipres>;iig the very best wishes for the prosperity of the -Ie Au Hou.