Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 36, 30 October 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]
It i» aodenyti»od. Klemme w\\[ not contest the election. The band gave a niee eoncert at Emma Sqo»re last night A epeeial aeaeion of the Lepialatore will be calle<l next monlh. llaeiaee A Co. will do Ihe drarlng for Costom House and'er contract Don’t fail to witnesa the ‘Saints and Sinners’ at the Opera Houae tonight At midnigbt. C. M White waa made the happy father of a daughter. AnJ now they want a signal corps for the lst batalIion. Another annecessary expeuse on the treasury. Captain Griffitus of the AlUrt is on this trip accompanied bv his family. Mrs Thirds will hold forth to the rheosophists at the Foster Hall tonight. Llection day passed ofl very 1 quietly, Tbere was not even as mneh excitement as at the one- ; sided election in 1887. - Vh. H. Castle. who is unwell, ' was able to drag himself to the poll yesterday aud vote. How very fortuuate for the countrv. Has thedoctor of the Hyacinth a shooting license ? if not how ean he shoot in companv with the ever vigilant members of the H. H. A. 1'ive Chinese woro nrre«ted last night for shaking dice. The sume aport enjoyed by «hite meu in several other parts of the town evidently does not meet the disapproval of the poliee. Twenty-seven names with Sprofixed and other errata will be corrected iu a supplement to Frank Godfrey*s directory aad be furnished gratis to purchasers and also fnll election returns. On next Saturday it is the birthdayof the Emperorof Japan. The day will be observed in the usual festive raanner by the subjectsof the Mikado with probably an extra “dash” of patriotism on account of the war. w« . . — — Saved. “Captain M Egor of the Salvation Army had to get on his knees last night in an efl'ort to drive tha devil (aud whiskeyJout of a full man. The “Captain” succeeded and even made the 290 haK stand look solemn. If the drivers could be mado to reduce I their “devilish” charges through the eflbrt of tho ‘capt<»in he is iudeed deserving of credit. But f will be a hanl job.