Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 36, 30 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Hawallaa 0asrl8ge MA«UfAGTURi«G C0 Ttie Repairing of EELKKEe, DEliveiy Wagons and CarriagES, is £ttBndBci !□ by SkiIlBd MBciianins .vh„ pricBsf or ths sama hava bBBn REE T JCED tbs San Franciscn basis. 70 Queen Street* oc4 \ "We are Olderinir this "Week, : ii L i Wool Dress Goods, lu plaids and stripped, jVt 85cts per yard. And a line of plain CASHEMERE*S in all Shade>. at 50Cts per yard. M, S. LEVY. oct23.tt’ Benson, Smith & Co., IThe Corner rr DRUG STORE r*cire Driip* s Fine Perfumes, Prompt Attention, Low Pi>ices Corner Fort & HotelTSte.| aul
Empire SaIoo JAMEtj OLDS, P*onu*R» : Fine Wiites, Liquo?s. fi ALWAa OK HAND, Con»r N'noua ud Hol«l,Streto 860 r **n»koM 241. Pomt B Hin REED1E8. SSsass!f ssr a rss- Ka wl H |n th» »iit*ftalae<t tlut lt wlll Th*T «re bc tued bjr th« ehlli X We« withto Um : deiic«to «nd U>* rc yee chai okalek lx i|8D Fii|e £}o