Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 36, 30 October 1894 — COUNTED OUT AGAIN: [ARTICLE]
The tissue ballots aud shot-gun | tuctics of southeru politioians are not the only iuetbods by whieh the will of the voter ean be set at naught, and candidates r«turned to olliee who have not received the endorsement of the electors, while those who have received such endorsement are left at home. Mr. Harry Klemme has now for the secoud time, had a practical experience of this fact. In May last he wasconnted ont of a seat in the Constitutional Convention, and yesterday he was again counted out of a seat in the i alleged legislature provided for by the coustitution of thisalleged republic. The number of votes counted for hirabrings him within five of winning When t beeame apparent that Mr. Klemme was ,making too mneh progress at the polls, and that he would ! have to be returned nnless something was done to dispose of the ballots cast for him, one of the henehmeu of the alleged govern-> ment wont to a dowu-town office, yesterday afternoon, and telephoned to the attorney geueral the immaculate and most learned and sapient William Owen Smith. The burden of the telephonic eommunieaiion was an inquirv what shonld be dono with Klemme’s ba!lots that sbonld be found to be marked thus III, instead of being marked with a figure 3 ? Our informant, of course, could not hear the the responses of the most wise attorney *general, bnt those respouses could be from the questions and comments of the henehmen referred lo. Judged in that manner, the most wi»e etc., toos the ground that if any ballot should be marked for Klemme with the cbaracter B III, that sbou!d be taken to denote an tffort of the roter to cast one hundred and eleven votes for Klomme, j whieh number being slightly in eicess of tbe three Totes allowed eaeh roter by law, should be beld to invaiidate the ballot. Most wise and reasonable eoneluaion this and one eminentij worthy of His Sapiency, the j fatber and motber of the goveruj n>ent Wby any man who pre- : tends to sanity shoold give sncb an opinion is perbaps, best aecounted for on the theory that such an opinion is not worth holding. aud tberefore. the sooner it is given away the better. This theory will find indonen, at leaai aa regards the value of the opinion. One of the beaoties of °°r eleoUon “law” is tbat tbe . moat deleetable and non-partiaan body, tbe Sapreme Conrt. ia
| »lone entitled to paas npon eleei t:on contests. We are not »»»re whether Mr. Klemme, after his ' former experience of looking for jast.ee io eonrt. rtiains snfficient sangaineoess of temperment to expect a ftir decision in case | of takiog his appeal to tb*t tribunal.