Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 36, 30 October 1894 — THE OLD FAKE. [ARTICLE]

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Anei The Yonng Fakir. Mr. L. A. Thurston, a j>enaioncr on tho rcpublic of Ilawaii, is now trotting aronml the globe at the eipenae of the taxpayers for the osteusible pnrpose of getting laborers for Hawaii. As Mr. Thurston has publioly statoii in Ihe l'nited States—with his uanal t»ct—that the repnblic ig deter* mineii to “root ont the Japanese and Chines« in Hawaii," it ean be well nndsrstood that bis"bo6> ■es are anxions that he sbould obtain otber laborors before ho goes into tbe *Toot»ng” bnsincss. And where does the statoeman go to' To £ngland wbere he propos«s to induce Knglish farmers to emigrate to tbe Paradise of tbe Pacific. and take up lands and cultirate the soil (and the rocks), and join the ehuieh and rote for DoIe A Co. Somebow or other Mr. Thnrslon will find that the «turdy £ngliah farmer is not to be canght so easily with golden promises and boneyed words He haa had experience, the same farmer, in emigration hoaineea and golden promises by« jnnketing labor agents. He has been indnocd to try Soutb Africa. He has been shipped to tbe Anstralian bosh. He has cut the forest in Canada —and in rery few in■tanee& did he find the promised wealth or tbe golden eldorado.

And wh»t cab Thurst-m offer au £nglisbman to eome bere’ Before he takes tarther step>9 and atamps bimeeif and tbe government whieh he yet -how snrpns inp it m%y fieem--repreft‘ nts as oamitigated frauds and bare faoed s«ind!ers, be and the goverament shoa!d eome oat pab)iclv in Hawaii and teil the people here. how and wbere a farmer and his family from the green meadowg of fair Enghnd ean make a Iiving. say notbing aboat a fortune. Tbe planters want eheap labor. Titey wanl ig ior.int men to work for them as maehinea for tbe very s naliest com(>ensation. A class of Englisb peasants w->nld never auit tbem nor wonld tbe plauter and bis uetbod suit tbe Englisfa fnrraer. As plantation !aborers bo wonU prove nu abso!ute failnre, niul wheu he foond hituseif defr*uded and daped he might not be so easy to deul witb as tbe equally duped , Portuguese uow stranded and st.'irving on this bench. But Mr. Tbarston does not ia- . tend to invito the pngi;sb farraer ! to eome bere as a tilantatioD la- I ■ borer. Oh, no! Tbnt golden op- | portnnity will be otlered to bis j victim after be hasswnllowed tbe bait und stand on tbe wbarf in Honolulu. Mr. farmer is induced to become a Hawaiian farmer, and a small farm is promised to him. Aud theu comes tbe old fnke again. Then agniu do we bear tbat arch-»windler braying aboat tbe pros(>ects of the small farm iu Hawaii. Tbe same old lie, tbe sarae young liar. We bave asked time after time for particulars about the amall farm about whieh tbo eompael pratos at homo aud abroad. But never bas a word been pablisbed explainiug how the small fann ean be run with a profit or even witb a living for the farmer. We have usked wbere tbe market for tbe farm products is. How in tbe name of fortune tbo Hawaiiun producer of fann products ean ho(>e to eompele with tbo iu exbaustible resources of California. Aud Mr. Tharston aud bis backers bavo retnaiued dumb. We bavo proven tbat uo man ean cultivate a small farm, and exist while tbe present monopolies eontrol freight cbarges both on land and sea, and while tbe large eonsamers import every necessary from San Francisco inclnding coru, potatoes, butter and all other prodacts of tbe farm. And we h»ve never yet beeu coutradicted. If Mr. Thurston cannot be persuaded to teil the trutb itcertainly becomes the duty of tbe British representatives in Hawaii to opeu tbe eyes of tbe home government and wam those who might listen to Mr. Thurston tbat tbere is at present no sbow for white men iu Hawaii, tbat commerce and trade are stngnating and that under tbe present unstable goverument of Hawaii it is unsafe to invest here or to try to fiud work. Reoently numerous laborers bave eome here from Britisb Culumbia and San Fr«ncisco. They have looked around for work and tbey have been foiled everywhere and finally those who had enougb money Ieft drifted away from bere while the rest—only Qod and the poliee know how the exist. But it is evident tbat Mr. Thurston does not expect to get bborers from England; he intends tberefore to go to Portugal and bring more misery among tbe families of tbe Azores and Madeira. Tbere his mission will be a direct failure thongh becanse in those plaeee tbe people are well enougb informed of tbe truecondition bere. Hnndred of Portnguese all «illing to work are virtaally starvingtoday. Tbe greatest dissatisfaction exist among tbem and only blind bsts like the repoblioan govemment ean faii to recogniae the lull before the storm. The Portugoese have been insulted and ridicoled. They knov ho« to resent it. But they «ill ratber j advooate emigration from tbia ; conntry than immigration to it. But ho« ia it th«t Mr. Thu» • ton goes to those far coontriee for succor «hen hia great and good friends the American peopleare so near at hamL Why did he not stop right gin Ameriea and open a labor borean and

employmeot agency.Sorely itmust bepreferabie to popolatethese ialauds with Americaos when a *hort «hile heaee we wili fiad tbe Surs and Stripes doating ovor our c*pito! and Hawtii nei ao iutegral part of tbe United States of America. We learn j from ail American papers th*t • times *re very hard io America j aod tbat condition will not be ; ameliorated by tbe comiog wioter. j We see it repeated in the Adverti- \ *rr by sach aotborities as Mr. ( SmJers and Mr. McCandles that the labor market io America is overstocked a ui the cooditioo frigbtfal fur tue workiogmao. The latter even stites tbat he cooid bave broogbt 500 men bere willing to work at $10 a moutb aud bonrd. If sach be the cuse, aud we dou’t doubt, it wby does Mr. Tburston spetul the tarpayers mouey ky r muiug arounJ like a trave!ling showmau and riJing his ‘small f.irfo’’ hobby to deatb? There is only one explanation to give. The government want- ' ed to get rid ot Thurston «nd it | presented him witb a eheek for a I bridal tour. At tbe sarae time i it decided to tbrow saud in the 1 eyes of the Anti-asiatics in Ha waii and the annexationists io the States by lettiug Thurston appear in the role of a white-labor-importer. And the saud took etfect and none of the parties | ean see that Thurston's mission j is a fraud aud a sham and that , the government is doing all in its power to facilitate and encourage further immigration of tbe Japanese whom Mr. Thurston by and by is going to “root out.'’ I ( L