Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 36, 30 October 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Removal Hustace 4 Co, — IIAVE MOVED TO — Morgan*s - Auction - Room» ft>T % »hort Uro*. We *rwtīl’ «llin* Departure Bay COAL CHARCOAL, ALGEROBA »nd KINDUNG WOOD in iar BoU» Td«i*on«* 414 *u6 Pioneer Shlrt Factory ESTABLISHED 1SS7. A. M. MELL1S, Propnetor. 515 Fort St., Uonoiula, iCp?Uirs) GooU Fit COXSOUDATED SODA WAIEK CO. (LrartTKD.) E SI’ I. ANA D E : Cor, Allen aud Fort St«. ; ; Honolulu H0LLISTEH & 00., Aseuta. The White House! 118 Nuuanu Avenue, HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS l[ Fii$-th$ [lou^e IX EVERY HESPECT. : Roois froi $1-50 to $3.00 per WeeL or 50c. per Day. PAUL LEMKE, PROPRIETOR. Bell Telenhone 132. aug 22 NOTICE TO Vīsitors, Pienie Parties. Lnam —AND—*GENERAL PUBLIC1 At Smith’s Bus an'd Livsry Stable, Kino Stueet. [Adjoining Metropo!itan Meat Market.] ls the Cheapest Plaee in Town jon ean g Bnsse3, Wagoneties, Bnggies ai d 8add Horses. It will pay yon to eall and » before you try elsewhere. Mutual Telephono 408 angl-tf pndi T Etc., 1 Corncr King and Alakea Strects. 1 • 1 U jtors By Ererj Steamer from San Frsn-. eiaeo, with | Fresh Fruit, Oysters, Salmon, Pou/try, Erc. Etc., Etc., Etc.* •eat 8. L.EE SUNG KEE,1 « KIXG STREET. IX GLAS8I Crockery, G*l-Oii W at er fj£^ P!umb, f l « “ All Iia Braache*i Eaolh. ft»By Execnted. NOTICEDoring my ahaene coontry after the depa “Ooeanie'’ for China < wil! have full charge e nesā and atfairs genen Wailnkn, Sept wajstted. Ae Houeeke. T??f nw P-8- wiU I«ave Iaqu ootS3ud