Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 36, 30 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

—i iiri:s— ROOT BEE Jfl»VOC9. A&E tOL * Cu't r*a‘t r*t. UrvL lf» i to&lc Tv*tt nn! HIKK?KOOTBKEK pnnhe» ti»< ttKx>i. Ikkln th« p»U:c. WHATS thepifff.k ENCK * Ton drink HTRE9 ROOTBEKR for p!e».»orc »n»l *rt » tooio. You tnk< lt n» « lonie »kU crt j>k»»arr. HIRES >- »• limES't*MOVED R00T BEER! WIWO H.tac TK5»4.«iCī »* lv i4r MvAtcr y ftoo-r r»« »o>i irn;,uM) **.s wioenoin turnAH's ia i». w«,u» nty rr. »»* rvmt Oni«rt.« o» Okkw n», n. e. E. HIRES. PHILAOKLPHiA lm «trn lt N iyi UIRES N CottM •< cfe*ujjr.l. Thiak tthd tto«M br Kor pU^m To >Uc>i *i tbr br:nk IU nrrt*r<M Morning, >Toon, Xijj:ht - . - . ‘»ood nll lhr tl«jr. H rrm >rr» !br Un<a.ir of mi'mine »u»UiO» tt>. .'nrr lalU tbe tt<mri<MM ofa«ht— HIKE> K«»OTBEEK... •* luvary. icood a* * lonu It S* brTO0d nll d.»i>ute * «romlrrful bralth <lrir.i dnnk, *n.! lt i» T*rr r»> to audrr»tanJ «hr thU i* *o Tho root. hrrt>«. b*rk» *nJ t»-mr> (r»m «h. -h H BE£K i.» »kUlfallv m»Jc, »rr tl; Uni’., »1 Uiimei fr».u whl Uphi»; t . ful r» mcJir*. For tn*Unor; Do too U li. t. ,»r»»;>*r !» .»■*:;» IIIKKS KOOrHl.l.R roat*in« morr mmpnHll» tb»n m»nv f»rr»p»rllīm TV *t to oth«r injjmlK’nt». It 1« Joiujt raorr to »Jv*nor pnelieai trmprr»ncr th»n m»:;v pr.';>ir rr \!n »n<l rrv'oromrnJnl br tbr mo»t oaoliou» >n.l trmjirr»/! r «onipolon» »b*t»lnrr c»n rnjov HIKE* R*¥>TBEKH b ••>■.!. »r 1 rr. r - »n »prer*bir *nJ hr*lthfbl »nb»tltute for thr »tr u,-J-:•» * .. hh< ;. . It l» » buiaem»Jc »nd hom. m»k;mj bnrn|r I: !» v■ > c».. >;■ »-■ pUin dirrctlon» »rr folktttrd. i( «111 »iir»T» t« good Ev. rr mcmVr ■*( ;ii- (»m. b»bT to thr er»ndf»tbrr, c»n ro)oT H1KKS RO«»TBF.K.K. »n t -vrrv or. .f •* betlcr hr*i!li for r»ch »waIIow thrT ukr. lt taprv>To» thr apprtltr, i>ari!jr*tb* tonr» thr wholr »y»trro Childrvn r»pc U11t dri!,’bl itj HlKKe» ROOTBEEK. tion inlrrv»f« thern. »nj if« n«e dor* tbero gvvrl In 'Nnwnik of bome*. "HI BEKK tbat motber madc. " «ill beaaonj( tkc b»pj llw llHM ul .... !'; BF.'\ AKE Do not ronfoun<1 il «ith otbrr K' ■! i» r j rr;'»r»t. •<. »» • like annhlme d*r of thr kliul Brw»rr of r\tr».*dTrrtl-»l Mr ra»k ;K< »rr compo*ed chlrllj- of eoloiim; mat:er »nj olU to eivr liiem J»Tor. »L..!| rtal »nd c»u>r nautr» Hin» lmjiroT<-d R.v>tbrer paekaa ■* mak- » rr*i \ t'». .; Iurm: • i' dnnk». yrt noun.hīue »nd »!rrtbttheninx Ihe blood lt clrarv»r. hnm<>r* tbat drvelop in kMneeaml arin»rj dl»rMC*. »ml iu tbct, In any tb»: »n lmpure »t*to of tbr blood. Hire» lroprtirrd Roolbrrr U offrrrd to the pnbHc wltb full eonMenee ••( cont»in» no jK>i*oDoas or mjuriou.» proj*rtirs ttbatcver. »nd »u lnUot m>T lake Mt **frty JOBBEIiS: HOLLISTER & CC Importeis. Wnol<ml0 aaJ KoUil Doaleis in Fine Cig*six3, S3SQ.oixirxg Toloacco» ANU Srrao3s:srs -ffiwrtiol Agents for ihe Celebrateci q.b.d. pipi MAUE IV PAKI» n(T — — - l’UKIKIKI) WATEI No Miorobes. U Lj»ED TST niE J0uNSOU0\TE0 SODA WATER WORI COM P A\Y—LimiieU.