Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 36, 30 October 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
WOVEN WIR The Liixii! OF THE I9th Oenlui A \fy»terious T*1 aaTbodT erer h<*.* bow Ihe baau wa* jfro»-B. 3ow tbe aOk pc>t ia the eoeoana!. maneo *eeO »is *o»u, Fro«o wheoee Ut« ulim cux to peor («i: Uo»t ! Aad when tber dled, wberw thfT *J1 we« happe da»k r haad* i The-«e £u-u are a!I mr«!erv>a*. aaJ o Uoo * i Aod U>ert’* other «n_v»te'-;r« <iaile a whieh are not tatho«a<-d yrt: i Who wa» lt rao «he opiam 'ri«»f. got !:<;Bor free, How wa* it Cu»tom« meo we«e MinJ, !ire» eoulū nl Who*e eolns: to b< the Tamrair.v 1 t!>» ooil pioiu town. Who'U »tart the jhow. to wti< ts «!<*ll plank the “neeillai'' d«»a; Wao wiM be Bos«, anJ run U»e 8rm wiU the Buckley be. Tc «lo !t on Ihe Frif>co t<laa of the K< pahiie frce? One we know tha: B.\ILEY> are nuule of WOVF.N WIRK, They ei»c ns comfort, peaee and rest, i all tbat we desire; He Ukos no part in poUUea, bnt do heal he oan. To pleaee his friend», an<l sh«w that h WOVKN WIHE MAN W0VEN W/RE BA/L Manufaciurer 0f WOVEN WfRE Beds Holel Street, Honolulu, ( door t > Morn*s Steam Bakerv. Sold by AH RBspEcti Daaler3< aug 14—lrrf Anchor-:-Salo Ex “AUSTRALIA; Another Invoice of the \V KenowneU FRE0ERICKS6URG UGER BE On draught and b}’ the kojj Alao, as a Specialty, SMALL FRESH CAL!F0h 0YSTERS, FOR COCKTAt mayl 3ms LEWI3 i C0.. Whoiesale snd Retail Grcce \ND rROVISION DEALERS FRESH GALIFORNIA SALM0N 0! By Ererj 8an Franciaeo St«amer Salt Salhon in Babrels a Specialtt, ll/ Fori St. , Hmelulu. Tel. P. O. Box SAL A Complet Himting Outi