Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 36, 30 October 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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OfEF^I"|oiJSE L. J. LEVEY Lessee W. R. DAILEY.. Manager Second Season of Dailey Stock Co„ uuder the [>ersonal direction of Tuesday Evening. OCT. 30, 1894. The Gieat Paetoral Drama SAINTS and SINNSRS, Wednesday Afternoon, OCT. 31, 1894. Family Matinee Thursda7 Evening. The Beautifol \Vestera Idyll GOL DEN GIANT. Saturday Evening. KOV. 3, 1894. THE BLACK FLAG. OVR CL0SL\G \VEEKS! pric<?». Doors open at 7:30. Curtaiu «ill rUa st 9 o'olook prompt. se±2 td CARD OF NOTICE, Scharf k Co.. ha» remor«d to ArIiiig* m B'ock Hotel Str«?t wb«re they «ill bo better able to 9trr* .\nd tbeir P*trons. Wiil k«ep on band all tbe latest Book Slationery, Pertodiea!s <k Noeelūea, in all brancbe« of tbe trade. W. K. Dailet. The Masical Coojedy ‘Caprice,’ “ » OR OXLY A y lOL >TBY OIP.L KOV. 1. 1394. m14 if