Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 36, 30 October 1894 — LADIES’ COLUMN. [ARTICLE]
— luM » eaun;- r »rrjmged ! this werk JeToteJ to WHITE COTTON DRESSGOODS erery pieee of vbicb we expect to seli before the week is ont Tber do not eome nnder tbebend of Qaick S*Ies aoJ Sm«Il Profits. tbcv wiil be sou> aT Jr-T wair thet c<h>T ee, not one cent more or one cent Iess. We v»nt tbe rooms for more goods coming, we bsve made great pnrcbases for the fall and winter trade. So from time to time Jifferent lines oi*gooJs willbe posbeJ just as these Whito j Cotton Dress GooJs are at actcaL cost P8icx. And speaking abont Qoick Sales anJ Small Profits,as a ūir sample of the difference it has made in prices generallv we just mention LADIES BL.\CK STOCKLNGS. Those that we ' have always soIJ for $3 per Joien, we are now selling for $i2ō per Jozen, while those that were formerly $5 per Jozen are now only $4 per dozen. The same thing applies to MEN’S SOCKS. The $3 per Jozeo ones are now ?2 25. \\ o »imply meutiou these few things. because they show a fair proporticn of the discoont made thronghout the entire stock S<£“Do not forget to save yoor eheeka, you iuay bo the oue we send to the Volcano. 55TWe s*id Svirae time ago that MaJaiue Pele wouU Lrcak out again, auJ bas Jone it. By the time you are ready to go, we expect she will talk of nothing else but Quick Sales anJ Small l*r« fiis at ve all your Sale Checks. You may be the luckv one. B. F. EHLERS & C0.