Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 35, 29 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y.

Septemb<er 17, 1SS4 we remember eorrectlv the m *‘Cbarle?t<m'’ was the first of tr.e “White Sqoadron ! to visit Hono-1 lula. Her arrival on her secon.l cnrse is stt 11 in the raindsof I people who were here on Januarv 55, 1S91. hen with at half-mast and _vards eock-bailt she entered port with the of King Kilakaaa. the kind attentions shovn hy the officers to the King dur i g the voyage to the l'niteil States and the. a!most sacrod m.nnen in whieh the body was gnarded while being borne to the Is'ar,ds, endeared the “Charleston’’ to the peopīe of Hawaii. As mueh as it was in the power of the people. their appreciation was shcwn to the ofiicers ducing their stay and when sailed they left graven on tablets of Iove and raemorv, evideuces of their Aloha f r Hawan. Few, if any, of the-ofticers who were here thea are on the vessel now; some have reached the age of retirement and others have gone to other vessels but the Charlestou is still grean in the heart of the Hawaiians. Have you«ever used a Pansy Stove- We have ibeen selliug them for four or five years and to-day they wear the “Yellow Coat’’ in the empire of stoves. rhey are recoguized by every one, eveu dealers in other stoves, as a snperior article and one whieh tbey do not caro to run up against. Of courso stoves may be bought frorn people who are aot dealers. M e have people running herc every day or two ?or fire bricks and partsbelonging to stoves they have bought from other parties, and wheu they find they cannot get them they discard their stoves and buy a Pansy, ’ You see there is a disadvantage in bnying dear things at low pnces. Come to us and get a Pausy at ?15 00 and yon get full value for yonr raone\*. You don’t get a .«75.00 range for fifteen dollars mind j you, but you get a first class stovo that is worth Thi?ty do!lars to any one Our lieady Mited Paints are suited to the wants of oeoplo who have a littlo painting tbey want to do themselves. The advantage in bnying a prepared paint is that yon have the benefit of tho best mixers iu the United Stites without having to pay for it. The paint is ready for use directly you take the top off tho ean and if you don’t find it eheap er and better than uny 3*00 ean mix \ourself we are mistaken in our experience- In California the nainters are us:ng the pn*pared article in prefereuce to bu3'ing lead and oi!s because find it to tbeir advantage to do so ATe believe it is only a question of time when the painters here will fall into line. Hanging Iamps are in as great demanj now as ever. People seem to want something for lighting purposes that wiil give as good light as the san—th6v- find it in tbe lamps we are giving away. Our eheap stand lamps are an excellent thing for a servants r°om and wi.I find a readv sale in the Island stores. We ean supply any demand. for a single lamp or for a ibonsand. Tnere s Iots of Hawaiisns whose Knleanas need fencing and we have the wire with whieh :o do it We havealso the material for bailding a fence that will last nntil long after the milenium. InsteaJ of paying a h»gh price for posts, oreven gettiog them for tte cutting. your i ence wili cost you less m nev if you buy steel stays anJ wasbers and make a Jones Locked fonce. We have everv thing you want in the hardware and house fnrnishing goods line you wish. And we court investigation as to |tneir quality and prices. nt Emui Eirinre ei. 907 Fort SbN(