Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 35, 29 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Like Father, Like Son. [ARTICLE]
Like Father, Like Son.
It is fte!Joiu in Iife that one ig cniie.JujK.tjto imp.'r-H)ri«ie ooe» o«n f*tber p«rtienUrIr in a rewi»', i.p{ snrlj i< Morli mer s |K>sition ilr Snow’< I pater is au Lpiscopali*n Minister. prvsi»Jiug over a congregation on I4th St between 4th aml 5th Avennes in New York Citv. The son was sent to HarvaH to prepire for bis father’s calling. but on leaving scbool natnr,.llv drifte<l to the mimic stage and in the rontine of eharacters, mnst now represent a (iinne in bis father'o cbnrcb.