Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 35, 29 ʻOkakopa 1894 — HIGHLY CHARACTERISTC. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


The A<h'*riiter' • campaijfn ng«inst Ham* Klemme. the inde pendeot candidate for reprei»entatire i« a good aample of the in- i to!erance and indecencv of the famiU- compact, vhenever thev i meet anvbody who refuses to fa!l dovn and worsbip the psa : m sing | ing mi&sionary clique that holds forth in the CeotraI Union. Tbe drnggiug of Mr. Macfarl«ne s nmue into their abusive camp.ign isreiy charactei islic of the rnethod of the remnants of the old Heform party whieh nov raas kerades under the name of the A r. p. Mr. Klem rue is tiīauager of a aaloon owned by the firm of MaefarIune<vC'o There his eonneelion with Mr Macfarlane bogins and en<ls. How Mr. Kiemme s(>euds bis leisure hours is a matten of u<i interest or eoneem to his employers. If Le devotes them to |>eddling bvcicles or riding horses or daocing jigs or running for legislative oilices are perfectlv immaterial to Mr. Macfarlane, as long as the proper returns are rnade from the saloons anf? the business (»rosperous. Mr. Klemme has not consuIted Mr. Macfarlane and the Iattter probably first beard about Klemme’s candi<lacy, when he saw bis own name dragged intothe «tfair. l»ut then nono of tho family eom()uct eau realize that there ean be *ny counection botweon emp!oyer and enaployee except tbat of mas ter and slavo. A mauxger or other employoe must be of the same opinionas his employers aecording to our “republican” tbeorists or lie ruust go. A good proof of the truth of tbis stnternent was the disraissal of J. (). Carter. The insinuatioQs ugainst Mr. Macfarlane and Mr. Klemmo that there is a politicaI combinatiou between tbeiu ami that the indepen dont candidate is a tool of Maefarl:me are fa!so and should reoeive uo credence in tbo epmmonity.