Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 35, 29 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Golden Rule Bazaar„ Depot for NEWSPAPERS PEP.IODICALS bv even incomiQg steamer. Sabscriptions Payab! Advance. DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE I Thi* Maehine is the Kin all. On it yoo ean make a L stitoh, Chaia-stitch. Embroit l>uttou-holes, Rnffles. Tucks. Guitars, L i\ru Tennis, Baseball. Croqu< Stationerv and Illauk Uook 1’kices. Hand Sewing Machjnes eight dollars sud a half up. [ WE INVITE ALL .SMOKER i To csill an<I inspoct oar lato import oi the i“elebratc>J G. B. D. p:pes, i ’ and KCLU$7CB i CO. T. H. Davi & Co„ I-.lm.ited.. Fresh Feed and Flo From WASHIIMGTON Lion Flour, Oats, Barl< JVIiddiinc Bran. PEK •* WAKIMOO ” J to Hand. IMew Dry Goo( Crockery, Hardware, Groceries, To llai