Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 35, 29 October 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
HOLOMU IS PCBLISHED l\verv A.l‘ternoo except 8CXDAT by the Oeloaoa Publishiagl U King St block lionolulu, H. I. per Kzz±. 53 The [.« -«-p i* delirepe<! by C«rrier» i : * a a:< i «uburbs. 8īnele Copi«i foi 1; Uie .New» liealew lsd at tne Uffi [a:licatioQ. N0RRIE, - - E<. E. M. ROOHEY, - - Man NOTlCE. Huhineaa ComnjunlcatioM «IioeI *.,ire~ed lo P. M. ,KOONEV, £ lulu, H. I. 1 \ iresi»onafDce and Commnnicatioi 1 n iiliealion hIiouUI be addrt-8eed to tbe 1: 11awaii Holomua. Xo uoiiee will be j 0 i,ay anouymouh eommuniealion». Hnsiuess Cards VOLNEY V. ASHFOHD Attomey aml Couusolor at L Ollieo, Sito of tho Olii I3eth W est Corner of Kiug aud lie Stroets. jy* A. P. PBT£BSON, ahokney at law. Uffioe: 113 KaaLumanu S‘-ruet, Hou liawaiian IslaudB. CHAULES CREIGHTOJi ATTOKXEY AT LAW. i>ffice: 113 Kaahumaun Stre«t, Hoii Hawaiian lhlaada. PAUL NEUMANN, attorxey at law 3U Morchani «troet. Honol Mutuul Teleplione 415. CLARENCE W. ASlIFOR VIT0UXEI AXD 00UN8ELL0K LAW. «nlie'e. Old eapilol Kuihlina. (Uon Uale), aaioiuiug Poat OOoe, lionolnln •! A. ROSA, ATTOKXEY AT LAW, So. 1'> Kaahumanu St., Honol HttWttii:tn Islaud3. H. F. BERTELMANN, COXTEACTOU AXD BUILDI ST> K'mg St.. Bell Tolephone F. H. UEDWARD. CX)XTUAtTOB a>d BUHDE1 So 506 King Street. Hono Hawaiian Islands. M'm. FotT. TER ’ ATOKNEY AT-LAV\. 4 J M«rchant Streot. A. G eOKUEA, at law .jti ;H)7 Mercbant Street, Honolu j.v20 Fernaiules & Gom —whoi.es.vle — Californ!a Wines and Spirits, So. 502 Fort St.. Honolulu, 1