Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 35, 29 October 1894 — HAWAII'S "BLUE" LAWS [ARTICLE]

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i C0.\snn TI0N aml L\WS Knumnl bv the Missionaries LAWS of the HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. SECTION II. BoaT8 AXuCaNOES PHoHIBITF.li FR0M nsiTI\V, STHAX< F. VK-i'U.s 1 Afler the j>roimilgttion of this law, all eauoea ar.il L» >aU anJ »11 persms not aatborizeil by th« Boanl of Healih. aro prohibit»*d from visitinj{ »ny foreijro ship wh»t*oerer untu she shall have been examinod by a boalth o(Bcer or ot:« of the BoanlofHealthacc.in.ling to the above re«juisition-. and tl.e whiie thg has been hoiste«.l. after whieh ahe mav lx* viaiteil. M hoover shall visit a vessel in violation of this law shall be fined forty dollars. one half to be paiil to the government and the other ha!f to the inform»nt. 2 Ifone is accidental]y brought in contact with a ron(«gious ship, or being on board discover her to be «o, or thon 3!s<.frtains that she is <ju,irantined, *in aueh caso ho s:ull rcmain on board stid ship. as is required abovt of tho Pdot and I h\sician. \\ hoever vio!»U'S this law shall he fined tive hundred d >!lars. And if auy oae bt disc<>rera<l while io Ihe sct of vio!ation. or whi!e iu the act of Ieaving a q<iarantinfd vessel, it shall be lawl'ul to fire up >n him or do wh»t v* r is neoessary in Iho judgeuient of th* Oovornor or s'iperior officer. SECTI0N III 0f SHir MaSTE«s. AXP 0F F0KKI0X -Hir- VISITIXii TH- I'LAXI<S. 1 It ahail be the duty of all ahip rnasters U> eaamiii' carefa!ly the b!ank certificate hando<l tbcra bv ttie PiIot aiul to fi!l oot s.tid hlank. and then put the n »me and *1 it ;. Aad this shall be done ondor ihe sitne liabiliti*-s «s if ond«-r oslb. But if the Captaiu :s unab!e to s ibecribe tbe ccrt neiie on accoant of its notstatiag the trnth in re!ation to bis r«sasl r it shall theo bj i»tarnrd to the pi!ot. Whaterer OapLiin r<< - f jsps ohedience t> tb;s law, or aubscribes his oame to a f» .«• bood, ahiil be rt ievl fire h i i.lred dolIars. 2 If any Master of a Te4»el rrf js-■» ot>nlience to the r> >iuisition« of Ihe ilealih OtRcer, or anehon when forbiMea r or d >es n»l hoist Ihe tlag re«juired by the Pdnt. or r*;fase» «L d.ence to «or retj usilioa of tbe Uws he »hall bo flned five hundrrd Uollan. And it sh«H be Uwful f>r tbe Oorern>r to fire. or do any •m . thiog whieh is nee aa\ry in hia jodgement, in order to the eaeeuiion of the laws. 3 AU ressels baringhad the amall pox or «ny other wuUgtoos Jisease on bOard. uuloss sil tuonUis hare elaps«d stace all «ppearance of disease ceaaed. are hereby £ruhib*Uid from anckoring al any port. haxbor or rjadstead of th« Uawailan untl! risited by a h«alth o£cer or ono of the BoarJ of Heallh and rr sired his approbati>n, after whieh th«y msy ‘ anchor.