Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 35, 29 October 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
l~jOUSE L. J. LE\ E\ Ledsee W . I{. 1)AILEY.. Mauager Second Season of Dailey Stock Co., umlor tlie pcrs)ual ilireo‘!ou of W. R. Dailey. Tuesday Evening. OCT. 30, 1894. The Great Pastoral Dra:ua SAINTS and SINNEES, Wednesday Afternoon. OCT. 31, D94. Famiiy JVIatinee Th? Mns'eal Co\e ly np ’ ° p> a 1L/C7. ,OlNTRYGim Thursday Evenlng. NOV. 1. 1394. The B.*aat i‘ul \Ve3tera IJyll GOL DEN GIANT. Satm'day Evening. NOV. 3. Ln94. THE BLACK FLAG. OUR CLOSL\G n*EEKS! pr;c». tW~ Doors open at 7:30, Curtain w'. 1 risa at 8 o’c!ock prompt. se22 t<i Anchor-:-Saioon Ex “AUSTKALIA, * Auother Invoice of the World Keuowned FREDERICKSBURG UGER BEER Ou draogbt and by tbe keg. Alao, as a Speciaity, SU*LL rR£SH CAUF0RH!A 0YSTERS, FOH COCKTAILS i mayl 3m§