Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 35, 29 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
7Kr S(il(tmua ffa!rnd OCT. ±>, 1894. - q M Tn W Th Fr S*t 234 S 6 - s • 10 II J2 13 14 1? 16 17 >8 >9 20 21 22 23 24 25 »27 L**t Q FnL' Hr»t Qi Xe» M 2> 23 30 31 I* Port, FAV*L H !• M S lfruaaU>, M*y, E»quimanl una. Brjwn. Ke«ewtk-. N H I '■.« W H Pinn«n«l. XiJ«on. S F. S • •n< i r Aloha. !'«W, San Kranci s->, > ■ M Iv;m«cn. CraT’« // o S. S. An*-lr»3in Hoa«lk*ttP, S F. A: ī»k (JakUnd, Se*ttle. i .»111«.> » 1N'» L> ti s ,.r !L V-crt I*cw*ts ..I.avs*n Id.... P M S S Citr of PpIōm.Vokohama|<ktiit PlaBtcr Luysan Id < \ : .eh Aliee Oouk.. .Pt Tuwni*<‘n(l< ,\r.. !>k* KUktt.it Ft T<»wn(*end,C A ! k Ekini.ne NeweaaUe < JU r«i.'.zar F"rcst . .\cwcastle < Ji*rk Koutcnbeck.. .LiTerpool C Arn i«'lir F.v» Korvka C Ha» Lk Manna A)« Xewca.«tle.. X A- - i.r P* rilan... .Xewca«tle.,, X X«r ahip Cllanivor.. Xewcaatle. ..N l’anl laenheiK. .Bremen £ -!iip H F («lade Liverpool J KlKM(.\ TIAII. NKKAIOE SteamfhlpB wil! Ieave for and t ir.>ni San Francieco and otber U on or about the fullowing t till the dose of 1894, (,'hina Dec 31 Australia De T!io I’aulheon S)iIo<»n is dc])ot lor the oelt‘brjtoil Eu prisoBcer, where it ean alway found e ol and freah nn tap. do not deal in ‘ Eivderick6l lk'er” as the morning Fup< through some miilnke has ad liscd. Call ;it the Fantheon re-freshing drink. JIM DODD, Froprietor. Talk about braying asses. t .wn is full of tbom. McBn»y whiskoy is ouly to be fount tho Empiro Saloon And w it’s found it atays. En. Beqna of ihoEmpire Sal has made a new ileal whieh touoh the hcarts, or at least I alates of many a thirsty wan er. He keeps *‘half-and-h ou draught aml serves a most licious aml eool bevorage, superior to “plain” boer. ee 17 tf d. J. Willinme tbe well-ku' Artistic Photographer is mal a specialty of portraits on Wi Diils aml Silk Haudkerchi Completo sets of Lantorn sl loctnres ean be had at tho gall For they are sold at a roasom iiguro by tbe dozen or by hundred. * Ilaniwai Haili Hūuē The uiiders : g.ied having 1 E. 1 the v\eil knewn IlaMwaI P Hoi '( at Waikiki. l>egs to irf vou, tbat it will be rc.n as t Strictly First-Class BATHINC RES0i ttT~ Special ueioiumvd.itions