Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 35, 29 ʻOkakopa 1894 — LADIES’ COLUMN. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Tbat therc U cocsi ier.»b!e in- ■ tetvst being uken to our proposi ed Vo!cani> trtp n qaite rtiJeut from the rarioi« qaestions *«keJ os. A* we hare saiJ bt fore we »oolJ like to »eni yon all at ocr l»al ocr Q.:ick Silt« au 1 >raall Pront systemol Joia>; bua, 1 ness doea not Ieare us onrgin enoagh for that. s<o we Lave been to >ee Mr. Ch*»e. the Geaer*l Pa>senger Ag at at h:s office. Williama’ Art Kooms. »nJ ra*Je this anangeracn1 with him. vīx That any person forraing Ciabs of not less than ten people _~holJiug ono or more of our Sales TicKets he «ill ssne :t roonJ trip ticket to tb« Vo!canoat a HeJucevl Kate. Yoa ean go whenever yon plense. 1 but mu.st all go together. He | t'urtber sa\*s tb.it »nyone wisbing 1 to join the party ean do •' iuJe {.\eudeotly of tbe Clu6 if tbey have nna of ourchecks. To t!>ose *bo wisb t,> mike tbe Volcano trip. uow is the tiiue to take aJvantage of tbe reJneed rate. We have so many new tbiugs to ta!k about tbis week, it’s hanl to know wbere to begin. but we must eall our attentian to the due line of LaJ es UnJerwear just receivod. CHEMIS£S. DKAWERS, and MGHT«OWXSof latest pat4ern- ia all grades. Wt als i eall es{H’ciu! atteniion to some new desigus of LaJ.es ’ Shirt Waists just receiveJ. New gooJs are being oponeJ Jaily. Do you want to go to tbe Volcano? If so I yoor Quick S iles and Suall Pro | :it tickets. Save all yo.ir Sale Cffccks. You may !>■* the lucky »>ne. B. F. EHLERS & C0.