Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 35, 29 ʻOkakopa 1894 — More Immigrants. [ARTICLE]
More Immigrants.
Tie V* < ■* uriml ye»tenlay niiH?t«*en days oot from lvobe. Sbe br UOO for thīs fK rt. The p«&sengen wili not be qaarintĪDed. bat they and their b«ggage will be famigated «t the eulioa. l'ader the Uw tbe men mast either ‘■ign a eontract aaii go to the plaatiitions or prodnce $-30 in eoin. of them esa.* here w.th ua ier9tinding of shipping. The \ī m#hin is cousigned to Ogura Ā- Co. aad carried a heaw mail. ■ President Helen Wild«jj- of the Hamane Society, stopped an tverloadc<l omnibas on Nuuanu str<-et yesterday morning. and directed the driver lo put some of tbe passongers out. The arrival of an extra horse made the precaation nnneces.sary and the bus proceeded. There were codsk1- ' erable * french talk and blae streaks iu the air from the oeeapants of the vehicle Band Concert. Ti»e follow;ng progr.»iome will be render • 1 ht Eiam.i Square tonight by Professor Berger’>; ban I: Pakt i. 1 M*rch—"W»<Uinifton Po#t". ...Sv>u-a ‘i. l»v*Ttur» —••Ra»nu>nd" TĪion>a» ‘ o. \V*!r/—■•BIii<- !>anubc’’ Str»U" » ;tlon—“MaHUaui'' w»il» ■ PART II. •V S?Uvt!<>ti—‘•H-.liomian Uirl” RiUV ! *>. lnt«rnaetlo—**t'»vallfri» KuHieana” .. ; Ma>oagi>i T. \Valtz— ”Tlie Paradi»o of th<- Peclfic". '» >. March—**Belle of \, .< York‘ "Haw.iii ron >i.”