Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 35, 29 October 1894 — Saints and Sinners. [ARTICLE]

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Saints and Sinners.

— 1 u grvaf drama from Palmeni ; rv|»c-rto;re. vhiclt i« a pr4in«>ace<i I *acce«st in lx>lh Eng!«nd *nJ Americ* wii! h*re it- initi*i presectation bere tomorrow night. The action|i' 5aj'l «roaml Jacob F!etcher. an Epi«copali*D Minuter *nd hi» d«ughier Letiv. Fletcher *nd De»con Hoggard hare tbo eat*te of a wi*iow in trast an-i Hoggard wiahe: to plaee a low v&]aation on the propertv in order to parcbaso it whieh Fletcher docliaes. Letty loTes a Loadon ra?c*.l, Capt Fan»h.vw. but consents to marry * countrv !ad Georpo Kinp« Mill. Fua>iiaw abdncts her to Londoo and rnin.s her nnder promise of m.irri*ge, ani opon it» becoming known both Flelcher anJ Kings Mill follow and bring her home. Hoggard learns hersecrets and bolds • - as the price of silenc> or a low valuation on the propertv.Fletchar declines both, eonfesses his chilJs shame tu the congregation and rosigns, both goiug oot iuto the worid to livo down tueir ahame. I letcher earns a few {>ennies preaching in small ham!ets and Lotty contribntes a few mites nntil taken down bv sick- 1 ness. Hoggard wrecks a ponny bank and is saved from ruin by Fletcher. Tbe charcb deacons try many ministers. bat finaliy vote to recall o!d Jacob anJ request him to bring b:ick Lettv, but the han<l of death saves her having to return and their aeknowiedgement is s«fficieut pru .f that sho had !ive«l down her ouo sin. A Oanoe Ride. Mr. Fred H arrison received a short while ago a eanoe from the Fanning island. He nnd some friends took a ride in ityestenlay starting frotn S:ins Suuci, aud they all sav that it was like llviug -J n ; over the wator with pleasing prospects of getting under it. iho eanoe whieh is au outrigger “ o is extr6rae]y light and carry cauvas enough to make bark move aloug. Willie Greig steored tho boat and “Jack'’ Atkinscn, H. Bertelinann Geo. Lycurgus and 01ivor Stiliman hang on to tho s iil and thoir seats. Jos. $arsdeu and J. G. Speucer had raco Saturday moruing. The terms wero heel aml too walking. Mr. Marsden won by several feet. Time unkuown. Ammauition was freely wasted by alleged shaprsbootors yosterday to the annoyance of those residents of tho plain who be!ievo in a quiet snndiy. The Sabbath under tbe “holy” republic is ruther noisy. Tbere was a sra-tH blazo in a cottago opposito tue Mormon Church and ooeapiel by a Portugueso. Tho department turned out but the fire whieh amoifbted to uothing was put o«t bofore the engino arrivoL TbeC. J. was prancing arouud town this morning evidently seeing if overything was ready for the wonderful e!ection whieh it is state<l takes plaee today. It is not bolie\ed that his houor was electioneering for Klemaie. The Claudiue w.is unab!e to land passengers at H onoka.i on her last up-trip and was ob!iged to put into Kawaihae, where Dr. Athcherly and his fiancee Miss Mary Leleo were landev!. Tbe youug eonple continned tbeir journey to Hamnkaa overland. Tue fishing party whieh Ieft l.«st Satardi;y aftcrnoon in ihe J. A. Cummius fo- Kaena poiot. roturned to town last uight. Tbe excursion was not a snccess as far as fishing w*s eoneemeil only one large fish being caught. Bnt it was a *‘very’ Urge one. A sbark’ Tba c*se against John liiohardson of Wailakn institaled asa dobat by Cx*r Lorrin Aodrews has been parlly beard before Jndge Helekunihi. Mr. W. O. S»ith s tr:p to Wailnkn waa P*rtly in eonaeelion with thū cas6 lt is nnderatood that an oifer of a compromUe was refased by IMr. Riohar.Uoa who will ope a d-m*ge snit.