Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 35, 29 ʻOkakopa 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]
Mr, W. H Coro.»ll ,i n u,. . «booU .1. cIomJ today. Saint8 aod iSioners tooiorrow night. Tbe -Star aml the HnlUlin wiH not be Ī88Qdd today. " 48 K«iser at tbo * , oat skirts' again last night’ King has been appointed Deputy-Sheritf of Makawan. >otue ' ; the jobbing buuse< wert c.osed t->d«y and some wtre not. I bere wnE no farther news from the war by the Japanes? steamer. Captain Good of the X. G. is reported serionsly ill a t tbe hospital. The saloons will be closed till S p. m. today by order of tbe marshal. Iho Claudine Hrrived lrom llawaii and Maui vesterday morning. There will be a special family matinee Mednesday of musical “Caprice. v Break the miehine politician« ticketand use the cnrau!atod v><te for Klemme — Editur Iloogs of the “ Paradise’ h isreturned to town nftera short v:sit to Kauai, The Hyacintb cricket team was defeated lust Saturday by tbe Honolulu team Ehlers &, Co. are ngaiu adressing themsolves to'the ladies with terapting offers. liaud Concert at Kmma Scjuar0 tonight. The programme is selected by the Advertiscr. The Lel llima will give a dauce at Independeuce Hall ou the evoning of Decoraber lst. Mr. Th. Gay vvho has spent several weeks at Kahoolawe returnod to towu yestorday momiug. * The eanoo ridors of yestorday say th«t Fred Harrison’s uew eanoe gees about 45 iuiles au hour. The Hawaiian Electric Com pany will not shnt dowu today as was statod in sorao papers last Saturday. Macfarlane is in no way iuterested in Kierame‘s cnndidacy in spiteof.the “Star” aud “Advertiser’s’’ stjtemeuts. A carrier-pigeon made the journoy from Hana to Kahului in fcrty-fiye minutes. This is au uunsual good record. Nobody takes any in*orest in tho election today. Th9 candidatos might as woll have beeu elected by aeelamalion. most cultured auelieneo of the season will assemble at the Opora House tomorrow uight to wittness “S.»ints and Sinners’ . Preparations loi the St. Andrews fair whieh will take plaeo next moulh are being p ished ▼igoroosly and a great snccess is assared. II. K'einme ia ahead at the polls. Thosa of his friands who bave not voted yet should hurry and cast threo baIlots f«r tbo on!y ind?pendent c«udidate. Tbo HoloMVA compositors were highly delighted over ' Caprice ’ last Satord*y evening at tbe Opera Hoose. wbore they went tbrongh tbe generosity of the over popular Dailey. The first of lbo new republjcan sUmps has been pl«cod l»r *ale. Its deuoiuinaiion i* 13 eu. It is designed by Mr. Holdsworth and is simply beautilul- lt w oue of (he prettiest stamp in nse aoytrbere.