Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 35, 29 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

MOB«;AGE£$XOTICEOF Ī.VTE T0 FORBCLOSE AXD OF SAI ii bei«bT that panaa po»er of «k)e eonU-aei ia a o-īUin g»«e -itted Sec4emher !*.{. A. D. OEOEOE N.UilAEA aa.i \l,i <iB >B*;E hj* »!fe. of Hōti.»ln'n lī *>aha.to Malie K»hai, kte -A s*:d ll< iw rie i ta tbe office of ih* trar o t CotT>r*6v>». tn Liber 1®. fo* L A. Can3ouaā, X*im:uist"oto Wūl mm?1 of t he Wm f :he sai. Kaku. ibr« im I, tnten.l$ «o forecl .Mort0i(ii tor afareochof the eoadil •* H 31 «->!* c.auiner! to Trif t! pa\ iuTrt of both tfaē pnneipol »n-i ■ »h*n due. Xoti« is oiao hervhv giT«n that »iagnl*r the Unii>. «enemenu ond fa n»er.ts :n } E ; eonlaine-i a *cribed, will be *old a: Pabhc Ane the Anction itx><n of Lt w:s J, Le Woeen Strc«t, in s*i i Hon.jTn;n c "EO.\E*DAT. • U DaV : N( >VI i'^ 1 - at 12 ek- k ao*>n of a* 1 he proJfertr m said m rtciiv ; de*cnbēd, ru : That eemin pieee of i*nd sitn*te °*.’ H 'aoluln. afores*i,}. and aiso tk tain pieoe of iaod «tnate at Anwi Honohun aforesatd, describe»l in • '*>S>. I_*n i Cvmtniss;on 1tj U to Ctaanma l atanxa bi» fatfaer. br die.i ieo; Lioer ,i> j>. i*»-?. and by sai*i Umaa toO*orge Nakiana 1>Tdeedrecordedi *•*> p. 'M7-S. Term eaah i n C. S. OoW C in. I eipens- of pnr'naaer. .l*or further partical-.rs. applr K. Kauiia and Enoeh Johason. A' r.a .rV. , . W,Utet " lor Wl,h th ’ ' ViU ' of the WUl of Malie Kahai. dnvis< gagee. .... J. A. CCM3 Admm!strator -xnh the Will anneie of Malir Kahai. deoeaseiJ I>!ite<l Honoluln. Oct. >24, 1>»4. 3> dipcuil Coiirt Fii'gt (Jipci the Jlatoaiiaq Igland JN I’ROBATE. Iu th>- m;itter <>1 the E*tat>> of 1 McGrew laie of Honolulu, Oahu inlestate. Ox Keaoino and Filinc tne P Al-EHONālNE McGrew of San Frano allējpng that Hexri G. McGrew of du>d tntestate at Honolnlu, on the A I) WW. and praylng th. of A(tiuinistratioo i>?ue to 0 5>K Itisordered that Fridav the 2 -\orember, A. D. ls>.i t . at 10 o'eloek aul liereby is appoiuted for hear retition, in the Court Koom of the ( Honoiulu. at vfalefa tiuu- and plaee sons ooncerned mav appear and *ho any Ihey have, why vai,l P e titon sL b€ irranted. Date Ilonolulu, IL I. ()ct. 24, A. p Bv the Court. Geoboe Lt oel E. ffl. NAKŪINA Commia8>oner of Private Wn W ater Kights, Diatrict of Honolulu NOTART PCB1.IC AGENT to GRANT M VRRI.VGE LI( OrricK, 308 Merchant Street, poi:nd mastl nottce. Noliee is hereby given to all p rs there are at the Governmenf Ponnd ki ou Oct. [25, 18!M. 1 white mare, whieh is not bninde 1 red staItion branded P. on the leg. with a white sj)ot on thc baek. 1 red borse branded r on the riehl with a whitespot on tbe fon-head. Any person orpersons owning th als are requeste«l to eome and lake on or before 12 o’eloek noon. Dec. W. K Poun LfWIS & C0 WhoIesaIesnd Retali Gro AND PR0VISI0N DEALEJ FRESH CAUFORNIA SALMON By Every 8 in EnineUeo Steai Salt Salmox rx Barrels a Speci.vj īīī For/ Sf., HonoHhu. : p * O, Box nyj. POUND MASTEI NOTICR NoUoe ia faerebr p>en to ail per> ~f" *** ** the Goverument Poune kiki on Oct. U. 1SD4. »bite «Uliioa branded t nght hind W 1 TF ,