Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 34, 27 ʻOkakopa 1894 — "Caprice" To-night. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

"Caprice" To-night.

The first ro*l iu«cs eomedy given by D.iiley’s company will be prosented tonight and a series ofbrigbt surprises may be looked for. “Caprice” is a beautiful comedy thut made a fortune fo»* Minnie Maddera and is assisting •evoral otherson tbo bigh road to au idle life. Tbe story is simple, pretty and toueh i n g. A simple, ignorant eountrv girl Morcy Baxter loves and is loved iu return by a ricbyoung city ehap Jack \Vintbrop; tbey m«rry aud tbe wife s ignorauce eanses social discord. She hears him declare bis regrets and leaves his roof’ going to a scminary presided over by an exceutric profeasor und a few years later retarn the envy of all her associat>s, even outsb!uing ber bus bauds sisters of whom ha bas alw.ivs boastod. A reconciliation is finaliy effecte».l and all en.l as usu »1 bappily. Tbere's a number of masical naaibers iatrodaced inoluding a t>pioal selection on loeal matters aml a Oaiety skirt dsnce.