Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 34, 27 October 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Hawailan Carrlage MA«UfĀGTURmG C0. i*ws I The Repairing of HRAKES ; DElivEry Wagnns, and CarriagES, is attsndsd to by Skill5d Mechanics -v pricss for the sams hava bssn RECUGEC tbe San Francisco bas:s. 70 Qaeen Street* oc4 AW are Olleriiiir this Week, D0UBLE WIDTH Wool TDress Croods, rn plaids and sti‘ipped, -At 3octs per yai*d. Aml a line of plnin CASHEMERE’S in all Shailes. a 50Cts per yar<l. M. S. LEVY. oct23-tf Benson, Smith & Co., The Corner & DRU6 STORE Pnre Dru?s, Flne Perfumes, P rompt Attentioi i, Low PricrCorner Fort & HoteI Ste.J au i

Empire Saloo OLDS, Pr*»priktoh: Fine Wiiies, Liquois. E alwas on hand, Comer Nun»an l UotdJstī»-«t BtU Pelephone "41. Po9t Oflice R myi RCIED1E8. WS»Hf rS Pll<a In tbe «om fona. * r * ei; ’** rt * lned Ui*t t» wtll *" y»«*UH» leau4iM ■ Jt>r aoM *nU ihe j r the nm* ot *n. 8oS!t- -*■ yjeiī: cha> DXAL£k In FLqe ({oo