Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 34, 27 October 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
kamehameha GI1 SCHOf>L. Th* līisi tcrm oi Kamehameh* Scho<rf »ill .;*ren 5Iob«1*t Nov*mbei Applio*tk>r.i for *inU'oion m*T be *>: ed to Pope Kiuneh lliL _tl ot Miss Pope. w.n be in ;be īi*n Kin.ier-g*rtm Rocm. Qneen H*I. S*tar\liy m- raiags from 9-1-»he will he pieāa<?«l :o m'«! «pplic*nto tniuon ā hitr dcll»rs $-V>.) * *pphcants receire«l nniier 12 v?*rs of tXt. 11-Im. CARD OF NOTICE. « Scharf i Co.. has removetl t Iingt ’n BIock HoteI Street, t tbey will be better able to ,\nd please their Patrons. NVi11 keep on hand all the papers. Book Sutiouery. Periodic Novelties, 5n all hranches c trade. pOR S/\l A Complet Hunting Outl One lr';sh Sctter bitch of best b!ood in Araer;ca; regisl in the A. K. S. B. aml p broken. One Poiuter b;tch by tho > brated GIeubeigh that cost $ in England. Ooe Pup five weeks old l, and mother thoroughbreeds. One Buckboard huilleepe* 1 for hunt'ng pnp^oae^. One 12 g»uge L. C. Sra tb O ū as goud as nea and in fine o Tbe above outfit will be sold c Enquire of W. H. CUNNINGHAA Auchor Saloon. 1 sepl'J tf POUND MASTER’S NOTICE. Noliee is hereby givea to all persou there is nt the Goverament Poaml i kiki, one strayed red mnre, brande on the rigbt himl leg, whit« spot forehead and on the back, both hii sre shodod. 1 white sUllion brauded cribable. Any person or persons ownei raare are re«inested to eome and tal sameon or before the day of sale, 12 e uoou OCT. 27, l s 04. WM. KAAPA, Pound i Oct.lS-lw. BEDS o: W0VEN WIRI Tlie Liixui 0F THK I9th A Mysterions Ta Did anybody ever hear how the bana wv- grown, How thc milk got in the coco*nut; m*ngo »ee«f was «own; From whenee the n*tives c*me to peoi f*ir land, 1 Aod when they d!ed, where they *U we h*ppy dasky b»nd? Tho*e fact* *re *!I mvsteriotu, *nd a tion get, And there’« other mviteries quite *t whleh are not f»thōm«d yet Who wa» it r»n the opium ‘rine eot liquorfree, S ’ S How »« it Cn«tom« men were Nind. tires eouid’nt «ee? Who« eoing to be tbe lunome « Ihi* Bo*t piou» town, Who’U »t*rt ihe Show. to whom «k«h pUnk the “needlul” down: Who wlll l* Bom, »nd nin the firm will the Buckl«-r he, Tc dolt on Ihe FrWo pl»n of the Kepnhlk frce?