Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 34, 27 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
MOBGA0£££ 50TICBOF 15TE> T0 FOEECLOSE AND OF SAL S»tiop i> her«bT Uut panoAi po«pr of ni» eoateoed in a certein g*gr dated Sertemher 1«. A. I) ’■ S£r2 by <iEOBGE NAKIAŪA acd MA (»EOK'»E tus wife. of Honola'a. LsL 'Mhn. to Malie Kahw. Uteofteid Ho dr«eeed. r>c>rtkd m tbe offior of tbe tm «1 ConTtT*nce». in Lfber IS»,fob -■■> J. A.Oamminā. AdounUtratoi WiU anoesed o( the WUl ,<i ;te ss.: 1 Knhai, decease-i, inlea'i» to ioieein mortg»g* lor « breach of th* ei a.iih m ,rstnu!e cottteined k> «it th psjmeat of both the prīncipnl an i L vbec dae. No{joe ie nUo herebr ihrrn tLat i •ingaUr the Ue.k lenemenU nnd be meote m teid mortga«re cunteined ai •ciibed, will be soid a: Pablic Anct tbe Aneūon room of Le«U J. Le» tjaeen 8treet. hi said Honolo!sy}n WEDKE3DAT. U DAT of >*OVE A. D. 1S?M. at 12 o'ekiok noon of sai Tbe property in sai.l mortg»ge i« described, tu : Th*t crrtein pieoe of Und sita«te ii 03, Uonolaln, aforesAid. and aL>o tha tein pieoe of Und sitaate at iawai Honolnla aforeaaid, deācribed in Patent 17s9, LanJ Commission Awap to Makaioulu, oonvrVc'l to Umamna o Umanma bis father. by deed recor Liber .tJ |p. 296-7. and by baid Umaur: U> <Jeorge Nakiana by ilēed rrcn.ded ir 138 p. §/J 8. T<rā cash in U. S. OoM C in. D< ei]>eD8e of pnrclu»srr. For fnrthēr p:«rticalars, apply t. K. Kanlia and Enoeh Johuson. Att. for the Administrator with the WiU ai of the Will of Malie Kahai, deceaseil, P*geeJ. A. l'UMMl Admiu;stn4tor with the WiU anuexed "ill of Malie Kahai. decease>l, P«gee. Daled Honolala, Oct. 24, 1894. ."Iwl fociiit Court Fii$ CJircui the {lawaiiaii lgland$ IN PROBATE. Iii the tn.itter ot tbe Estate of IIk> McGKEWlateof Honolulu, Oahu dev inte«Ute. On Keaoiko and Filiug tne Petil Ai.phonsine MoOkew of San Francisc aileeinu that HlKKI G. McGkew of Ho died intestate at Honululu, on tbe 22 < October. A. D 1894, and prayins; tbat I o|p\dministration issue to JŌseph O. C It is ori>eked tbat Friday the‘23 i Norember, A. I). 1894, at 10 o’eloek a and berel»y is appointed for bearin Petitiou, in the Court Koum of the Co Honoiuiu, at whieh Ume and plaee a sons coneerned niav appear and show if any tbey have, why ?aid Petiton slioi be i;ranted. l)ate llouoluin, 11. I. <)ct. 24, A. D. 1 Bv thc Court, Geokue Lucj e oct23 E. M. NAKEINA Coinmissiouer of Private Ways Water Rijrhts, Di»trict of Houolnln. NOTART PU8LI0 AGENT,to GRANT MARRIAGE LICE: OmoK, 308 ilercbant Street. POUNI) MASTEH NOTICE. Noliee is hcreby iriven to »11 j>er>oi tbere are at tbe Government Ponnd at ki on Oct.pl, 1894. 1 white mare. whieh is not branded. I red stalliou brauded P. on lbe lef( lep, with a white spot on the back. 1 rcd horse l>randed =on the riL r ht bi »ith a wbite spot on Uie forehead. Any penon or persons ownini; these als are requeste<l to eome and take tli« on or before 12 o’eloek noon. Dec. .'’.n W. KAA Pound >! LEWIS & C0. Who!esale snd Retaii Grcce AND PR0V1SI0N DEALERS FRESH CAUFORiNIA SALM0N 0 By Every 8au Fmuciscv> 8teame Salt SalxoV ix Barrels A S^PECTALTY lil F<yrt Sl. t Honolulu. Tel. p * O. Box 297. XOTUE. Danag my ahaeaee from thelslan l llouei ti. luiu U daly aatborfl receive and receipt for all moniea dt owing to me J. \V. LUNIXti, at mj anlil Nov«mbeir 23rvl, 1894. at whieh I will personaIiy atten 1. J. W. LUNI oct 171