Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 34, 27 October 1894 — The White Czar. [ARTICLE]
The White Czar.
St Petersburg. 16. The 0 5ici tl Mes»enger this issue<l a sjieciil e*lition c>i>DtaiDng the fullo»ing balletin. or*ler»*tl by Profes*or Leyden an*l Drs. ZiC* brin, PojK*tf »nd Belij*tminoff i"Qe l t*>vi iy after a consoltation btween tbe pby»!cians; “The disec.se cf Ihe kidney shows 00 iaiprOTemeut. His majesty s stiengtb ba.s dimiuished The j>hvsicians in attendance hope that tbe climate of the south coa»t of Crimea will hsve a bene* 6cial eflvct npon tbe heahh of the Cz«r.” New York. Oct. 16. The HerilJ's l*aris corresj>ondent cables: 1 have seen tbe official report on tbe condition of tbe Cz.\t's bealtb. Ke is not snffering from Bright s li»e»se. A week ago this tamor :ttUicked the kidney over :» snrface of nne s«]uare centimeter. The Uu-sian physician, Dr. Ztccharin. thinks, and he has so informed tho C/.ar, thatthe tumor is of a canceroas cbaracter. If tbis is the case a catastrophe raay be exj>ected within tbe next fonr mooths. Dr. Leyden. the German phyaieian does not believe the tumor in a cancerous one. He admits thas tho disease is incurable, but ihinka that with care and eom p ete rest for tbe illustrious patient it raay be a long time before it j>roves latal. Consultations of of all great physicians will be held as soon astheC/aris installod at Corfu. What preceeds is absolutely true, aud I eun jx>sitively deny all exaggerations to tbe contrary in regard to the Czar8 condition, whether it be to tho better or the worse Berian. Oct. 17. —A Coponhr'g?n j> ; *p-r jtublishes a stjb.ment that . tbe Czar inteuds to cho.nge the si:ccess’.on and i ppoiut his third son, Grand Duke Miehael, htir t > the throne, owing to the Caarowitz’s j>olitieal views and to the fact that the illncss of his second Son,Grand DukeGeorce, precludes his succcssion. Athens, Oct. 17.—The eutire Greek couit will receive tht Czar upou bis «rrival here on his way to Corfu. The Cz»r will not leave Crimea until Count Ber.dendorff, bis Grand Marshal, shall have eompleLd his preparation at Corfu. Count Bendendorff has express ed himself ns chargad itb tbe s* elueion of the Ghateiu Monrepos whioh the Kmg of Greece h«s pl«ced at the Czar’s disjK>sil. In consequence of the smallmssof the chateau a part of tbe Emj>eror’s suit will be cbliged to lodge elsewhere.