Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 34, 27 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
BRUCE CARTWRIGH Uasiīitm crf » Fi<lnc!*ry TnnLs rrosipt »ttcntjon gir»n to Ih* of EsUte», Gn»riur»Lip«, Tra* «te.. rtc.. *tc. Om&*, : C<x.i>.rri‘jht Buih MercLint Strr«t. Hoeolulu H. MAY & e Tea Dealers, Coffee Roaste AND Provision Mercliari 98 4 Fort Streot, - Hon< Families, Plantations an l 8 suj>i*lie,l with choicest European iC* A merican Gror California Pnxlnco by Eve Steamer. Merchaut Kxchai Coraer King aun Nuaaua Stre«t S. I. SHAW... .Proprietor. Tbe Finest se!ection o( LIQUOUi BEF.1L »old anywhere in the town. First-class attemiance. Call aml for yonrself. no 11S-! [JationaI \m Woi QU£KN Street, Betweon Alakea Kiehanl THE UNDERSIGNED a-e jirepai mnke all kimls of { Irou Brvss, Ilronze, Zinc, Tin nml Lea«l Castinp«. General Ec-p;iir Sbop for Steam Eupin Kiee Mi!ls, Cora MilLs, WalA WheeU, Wind Mill Mnchines for tbe Cleauing of Coffee, Castor Oils,,Be<ins Kamie, l*in«sapple Leave» A other Fibrous Ple And Paper • Al»o Maehinea for £xtracting Starc1 tho Maaioo, Arrow Root, etc. l(T All Orders prcmptiy attended i vVHITE, RITMAN <f\ C Por S.S. AUSTRALI fr«'»m thc Coast CAMARIFC Refrig:erato Contain a Full Supply ol Houae, suoh as Fd»zou Oystors, Crabs, Fresh Salinon, Canlitlt Celery, Muscat Grapes, Penehea, Apr \fectarines, Japanese P Tokay Gra{>cs, Oennan Pr Crawtord Poaehes, Silver Pr Rosc Peru Grapes, Hartlott P Siklc Pears, Etc. California Frn Market.