Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 34, 27 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

MACFARLANE A CO. Dcalen in Wine* and Sp K*»hn«nana Sirw<, Hooolnla. H. E McINTYRE * BRC Gbocebt, Feed Store A- Bak Corner of Kinpj and Fort Sts., Hono J. PHILL1P8, PEACTICAL PLUMEEH. GAS.Fri 30PPER-SMITH, Houso and Ship Job V Promptly Executed. No. 71 King Street, Honol Dk. McLENXA>, Fort Street, above Hotel. Mutual Telephone 682, for o 287 for redidence. jy28 ED. e.KOWE. House Sign and Oim nu Painter. ‘ Manufacture of Liquid . 020 King Streel. Y. LUM SING, A Dealer in Fruits and Grbce Fresb Kruits by Every Califc Steamer, Eresh Island Bi from Hawaii. 135 Fort St Cotfee Roasted. P O. Box Fresh Island Produco v G Delivered to Any Past of City, jy “FAT BOY. v BAY 8AL00 P. McINERN'V, Pkopkīkīo», Fine Liquors, Wines and B CoRXKR BkT11KL \ND HoTEL Honolulu Carriage Manufac W. \V. \VRI(iUT, Pkophieiok, (3uccess»r to G. We»t). , pARRIAGE BLTLD1NG (NpUEPAII C All OrUor» fn>m tht* Otl«rr lsland* ! C*rrū)fi‘ Building, Trimiuius »ud Pj Line wlU Mcet «ith Prompt Att« BUcksmlthlns: In All Its VaHoas Bo Done P O. Box e.’l. Nos. K8 ai Fort Stm t. J}1 W. S. LUe 1 ■- e Wine and Sui Merchant CanipUll Firt-proof Block MEBCHANTST. HONOLL 71 : BOTH TELEPHOXES -OONSOLIPATEDSU1»A WATER WORKS (t.OHTTED.) Toi Wo Wing Kee 36 NUUANU STKEET īte\N r.< ;n l.:iv!;os’ A Genl> I and Shoes made to order. p o Box 367 Fred. Hanisc C0NTRACT0R AN BUIL0ER The Leading