Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 34, 27 October 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
LADIES' COLUMN. That tber« is considerable in terest being taken in onr propos- ’ ed Volcano tnp is quito evident from tbe various questions asked as. As vre have said beforo we would like to seud you all at oar oxpense, but our Quick Sales and ; -'huall Profit systemot doing busiuess daes uot leave us marpin enouph for tbat, so we bavo been to seo Mr. Cbaso, tbe General Passenger Ag ut at bis olhee, Williams’ Art Kooma, and made tbis arrangemcnt witb hiiu, viz: That any person forming Clubs of not less thau ten peoplo,[holding one or moro of our Sales Tickets3 he will ssue a ronnd trip tickct to tbe Volcano at a Ueduced Ilate. You ean go wheuever you please, but must all go together. He further says that anyone wisbing to joiu tbe party ean do so independeutly of tho Club if they havo one of our eheeka. To tbose wbo wish to make tho Vulcano trip, now is tbe time to tako advantage of the reduced rate. We hava so raany new tbiugs to talk about this week, it's hard to know where to begin. but we most eall our atteutian to the fine line of Ladies’ Underwear jnst received. CUEMISES. DKAWEKS, and XiGHT GOWNS of l »test Patterns in all grades. We als> eall especial attentiou to some new designs of I.adies' Shirt Wai»ts jnst received. Xew goods are being opene<l daily. Do yon want to go to the Vflcano? lf so a ire | your Quick S.iles and Su«)l Pro fit tickets. £VSave all yoar Sale Ciiecks. You may bs ihe locky oue. I B. F EHLERS 4 C0. POUXD MASrER*S XOTICE. Noke» h bcnbr gīrcn lo ill j*-rv>n* iki) lh*r» mit um tiot«nntoi Pona-1 »>t Uikiki oa Ort U. 1»»«. sn;t<i wkile «talii>a br»aJ*=i JOE oa thn nght hiad I eww iwaa<led TL os tk* Mt kta«l i t«g. whīi* k«i or. tonhms l »ad oa kbdoa>«& aoid tbe kft «ar wu ral. I p Aay penoa ee pmoa* owaiag tbaw : eow ud (Ulhaa m wja«tai t.> mm ud teke tb« i*iM oa or b«foiw 12 o ekwk aooo, FRIIHT.Ort.3St i9W WM. KLklPA. Pow) 3Ca*ter. M«kiki, U«c|IS, 1»L Oet 14-lwjy TVANTED. As Heas;kt*per or nnme bjr txperieDced nuwe jost from the C.S. will le*ve the laUnd ;>nurse. Ir.qu re at HoLoWA Orri'r. oct« 3xad