Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 34, 27 ʻOkakopa 1894 — THE CRUEL WAR. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Tūe c-*ll«Bg ont c-f tbe First- | bas re5ulte\i. i» might l>e eipeelo.!. in sorrow to many boosebo;dā. Tbe metropo. ! I;t«n joarD*ls report two cases wbicb are of pecaliar mterest. One unfortooatelr incladed tbe tb« crlme of infanticide. Ooa time eipired soldier bad m.%rried * >oang wi f e. who, soa:e two montbs ago, died in childbirtb. Ieaviog hioi witb aa iofant daagbter on bU bands. On beiog (*alled to go to Korea be made a ātrenaoas tfforts to get aome one to take cb.\rge of his baby. ?nt being Tery poor was anahle to j»rocare a home for the little one. Tbere being appareutly nothing else to do he killed the child and tben joined his regiment. The crime w»»s not discorered antil after his departnre for Korea; ! and be Ieft word, it appears, I with a friend that be was resolved to die on tbe 6eld of battle. Auotber man bad jast establisbed bimself as a doyu->f(ī. ordealer in miscellaneoas articles of furaiture. in Ogawamacbi; tbe the basie»t tboroaghfare in Kan- i da D.»trict. So soon as the ordeJ reached him to rejoin the army. he st >ck out a plncard saying that Le would sell out his whole stock at less than cost prico. I»idiculously small sums wero not refased: things worth three or four yen iu the opeu market selling for as little as tweaty or thirty sen. The loss iui»t have been very gr-ut. but it w.is imparatively necossary forhimto leave as moeh cash us possible iu the han«ls of his wife, and iu the forty—eiglit hours at his disposal it would havo been impossible for him to get rid of hi# stock in any other way. The Uiyako Shinbun s ivs that the man c\hibited the utraost equauimity at this ruinous sale and joined his regimeut with no seutimeut of regret for what he had had to do. —Japan Mail.