Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 33, 26 ʻOkakopa 1894 — WAR NEWS. [ARTICLE]
Heady For Battle. New York. OeL 17. Tae Her a!d ha.« the following from Shang hai: Fifteen thousand JajM»nese troop« und(;r Field Marehal Oya I ma. are encampedacross Regent’s Sword promontory, to the north of Port Artbur and within s:ght iof that naval stronghold. The\' are waiting for a favorable moment to move forward, while outside the port Japanese cruisere are ready to intercept »11 the retreats to seaward. Sung Kwei, tbe Emperors father-in-law has reached Shun Hai Kwan. a plaee on the gulf of Liao Tung, where the highroad from the coast to Pcking begins. He t.ikes tbe chief comraand, and will tr\' to prevent tbe landing of a force of the enemv' at this point whieh possesses great strategical i importance. A serious split has occurred at Peking between Mr. OConuor, tho British Minister. and Count Casseni, the Hass:au Minister. AIl foreignere ?till remaiuing iu theeapilal have received pereraptory orders to leave. The negotiations for peaee have collapsed. Shanghai. Oct. 16. lt is reported that Port Arthur, the Chiuese StronghoIJ, where the Chineso tioot has been recruiting since tho battle of Yalu river. has been captured by tho Japanese. Coloacl von Hunniken, formerIy aide-Je-camp of Li Hung Chang, who vvas wounded while ! actiug as adviser to the Chinese admiral who was in command at tho naval batHe fought ofl’ tho Valu river, is said to bo in dangerous conclition, blood poison havingset in. Colonel vou TTauuiken had so far recovered as to be able to return to duty. wlien n relapse prostrated him. AViju, (Corea), Oct. 16 [Delayed iu transmission.] —The Japaneso und Chinese army are facing eaeh othcr ou tho banks of Yalu river. Bjtb are perfected in tbeir arrangements for battle. Not a shot has been fired yet. Field Maiahal Yamagata, commauder of tho Japaneso, is awaiting tbe arrival of supplies aud heavy artillory. Spies report that the Chiucso army is 25,000 strong. Yokobama, Oct. 16. Couut Iuouve, Minister of tho lnterior, has left for Corea. M. Nounua has beeu appointed to lill his ofj fice. Mnnv prisouers of war have arrived at Tokio. Londou, Oct. 17. A dispatch fiom Wiju says thut Japanese scouts have brought iu detailed information as to tho condition of ihe Chiuese defonses on the Yalu, sbowing tbey are vveaker than i first reports iudicated. It is expected that the Japanese will make an attack soou and tbat a decisive battlo will be fuiight. !