Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 33, 26 October 1894 — A Great Loss. [ARTICLE]
A Great Loss.
— Tbe countnr bas receiT©d an i irreparAl>Ie hlow in the recall of ! U I J, M's diploraatic agent and consul general Mr S. Fojii. His Excellency reccived telegraphic , instractions to iraraediately pro- j « eed toJapan where his valuable s€rvices and skil 1 as a diplomat • are peremptorily needed under the pres©nt troublesome circom- j stances Mr. Fujii is the 6rst and only represeut itive of the Japanese governiuent. •who has;raado him- ■ solf popular among the people of Hawaii. He has the confidence of bis countrymen and he is trusled by everv foreigner and | Hawaiinn living here. Mr. Fujii raav returu, and we ! raost aincerily hope that hia i gOTornraent w'.ll fiud an opportu- ; uity tudispenso wilh his services 1 at home and let him represent the 3u,(XH) Japanesc who to<lay live in Hawaii aud appareutly iuteud to make ihe Paradise of the Fac.fic their permanent home. j Wo would be in a : most precarious position toda}« if Mr. Fujii had not been able to coutrol the iompen of his eoun trymon and eheek tbeir ineliualions to be “disagreeable.’' The sorvicos of Mr, Fujii will 1 probably be wanted in Londou ! or St. Petcrsburgh. It is a great pily that Hawaii has beeu doprived of thc good ollioes of a mau liko him, ropresontiug over 30,000 citizens. Mr. Fujii will leavo in tho e’hiua. Wo only express the soutiments of all intelligent classes here wheu wo state our eincere regret of his dcparturo and tho most emphalieal wishes for his success iu tho future. Ho will be iuissed by J.»p.mese aud Hawaiians alike. His goodwill towards everybody aud his tact in all diplomatic mauucrs ean hardly bo roplaced. Tho Aloha whieh Hawaii gives to tho departing roinistor is i honest and comes from tho heart ol' everybodv who loves this » V oountry nud wlio apprecia(es the servicos of the groat represontative of Ihe beautiful couutry of the HisingSun. When Mr. Fujii lcaves us he has the satisfaction of knowiug that he leaves only frieuds bebind him. When he receives our departing nloha. wo hope that we ean add an ‘au roVoir.’*